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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Crunchyroll.

Make sure to support legal streaming sites and buy the manga! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Watch my reaction on Google Drive or Dailymotion

I'm sorry, I can't get invested in this story :( 

from next week I'll be replacing it with Heavenly Delusions reactions. I feel like to enjoy this I would need to read the LN for more details. 

I really like Ichinose's character and I can tell overall I like the story and where it's going, but it feels like I'm watching a reaction highlights video (with the anime cut up into key parts) rather than getting to enjoy it unfolding naturally... I understand the anime and staff is doing their best with the time they have been given, but I feel like I need to be a light novel reader to enjoy it. 

I'm not saying the story doesn't make sense, I can still "fill in the blanks", but I don't enjoy having to do that when a key part of what makes this story unique is be complex relationship dynamics and interesting plans being set up... I just feel like that "something special" is missing. 

Sometimes the most interesting thing is to read the comments about scenes that was left out, but I'm worried to do that because it could also contain spoilers so - the natural conclusion is just to read the LN myself whenever I can find time rather than force myself to sit through something that is probably 10 times better in another format. 

The visuals have been lovely and the voice acting great, but what sets this anime apart from others is the story so if I can get the best experience for that from another format I'd rather just do that. 




Sorry if it’s been asked before but will you be reacting to Trigun(1998)?


Ichinose having a mental breakdown in front of Koji was what Sakayanagi wanted to happen but in front of the class. So it was going to work but he stopped it. Either way she just wanted to test and see Koji at work first hand. Koji didn't even want to get involved until Horikta's brother called him and said Kushida is in talks with the student council president which led him to make the deal with Kushida and want to have her expelled.