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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Amazon Prime or Netflix.

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Episode 19+20: Google Drive or Dailymotion

Episode 21+22: Google Drive or Dailymotion

Episode 23+24: Google Drive or Dailymotion




Thanks for posting these! I always enjoy your reactions and your thoughts are really interesting. It's a little thing, but I noticed the scene on the cliff in episode 21 doesn't have as good dialogue, compared to the dubbed version. It's around 18:00 minutes in. This is the only time the difference has been so noticeable, maybe because the scene in the dub made a strong impression. When he starts to cry in the dub, Anna says, "You're crying about your family? What about my family!" Whereas in the sub, it's only, "What are you talking about? What the hell!" The cop also does say, "This is what it feels like right before somebody kills you" in the dub, as opposed to "This is what it feels like to be killed." Finally, he says in the dub, "Please let me live. I finally have someone worth living for", as opposed to "I now have something I don't want to lose." It makes me wonder which translation is more faithful to the manga? It seems like they added a bit of dialogue in the dub too. But it definitely made my connection to the characters stronger when I first watched that episode.