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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Crunchyroll or Bilibili TV. Also, take a look at the official site!

Make sure to support legal streaming sites and buy the manga! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Watch my reaction on Google Drive or Dailymotion

Sorting out some streamable issues so only 2 links for today. For comments longer than like 2 lines would be better on YouTube thank you :)) 



黒瀬颯稀【Satsuki Kurose】

This is so sad.Riko…😭 Then Gojo's "I am the strongest" in episode 2 of season 1 becomes sad.Gojo and Geto used to tell each other, "We are the strongest."🥲🥲


have you read The ones who walk away from Omelas? it's a very short story, 5 pages but it's really good and very similar to the theme with Riko, I feel you would like it.


I don't think your opinions are controversial as the appreciation of art is always going to be subjective. But the people who watch a particular reaction are more likely a fan of that show and so are looking for a projection of their own emotions through the reaction. So they get disappointed when that is not the case and fail to understand why contrary opinions can exist on shows they think are objectively good. I know that you already know all this so I'll just say that I love what you do and keep up the great work! 😊 Gambatte ne! On that note, my opinion on this episode and this season so far has been a whopping 10/10 (perhaps objectively?? Hahaha 😆)


Oh damnnnn I just realised that I should post my comment on YouTube! Sorry about that! I'm going to head over there now. 🙏🙊