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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Google Play, Amazon, iTunes or Vudu.

Make sure to support legal streaming sites and buy the manga! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Sponsor: ABC_kun

Part 1: Google Drive or Streamable

Part 2: Google Drive or Streamable

Part 3: Google Drive or Streamable




Liquid nitrogen—LN2—is nitrogen in a liquid state at low temperature. Liquid nitrogen has a boiling point of about −195.8 °C (−320 °F). It is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquid air. It is a colorless, low viscosity liquid that is widely used as a coolant. Even if Hollywood likes Explosions, i doubt they can make even this Stuff explode since its among the 4th coldest Things on Earth ^^


Thank you for the reaction (and an extra long one at that with the extended version lol.😆 It did drag on a little bit too much, I agree). I'm glad you enjoyed it despite the non-stop action and occasional excessive violence. Also happy that you can cross off both Terminator movies off the bucket list - no problemo. Hasta la Vista, baby! 😎 I'll leave you with this parody I just came across, enjoy! 🤌 https://youtu.be/DcFpTjhlabg


What's amazing is that I read that the original trailer back in 1991 never gave away that the T-101/Arnold was the good guy this time so the audiences went wild at the hallway scene when this was first alluded to (just as you did!). Really such a great and fresh reaction...thank you!

Lalisa Truong

Man as a kid, these movies used to give me nightmares about the end of the world LOL don't know why my parents even allowed my brothers and I to watch it. As a grown adult now, I tend to come back to these because they're actually pretty great movies! (Well, the original three for me that is lol). Same for the first two Alien movies! You should give those a try as well if you haven't watched them yet :D