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Life goal #24: Be a cool obaba that your grandchildren love. 💜


Hi Kayla, I'm happy to discuss with you some of the obscure details you mentioned in the reaction. I'll do my best, but please keep in mind that these are my own interpretation and some of the details I'm also catching for the first time with you. My interpretation on some scenes of this episode (no spoiler or hint on anything beyond this episode, of course): 1) I agree that every scene seems to be intentional, laced with symbolism and little clues in the details. For example, we revisited the butterfly image we saw since a few episodes back when Smile intentionally lost to Kong, but now we see that it's an image of the young Butterfly Jo. 2) Obaba is not Peco's grandma! Peco just frequents her ping pong dojo since he was young and so calls her grandma. 😊 It's pretty sweet. The buff dark-skin dude is Obaba's real son though (we see that his last name is Tamura, the same as the name of the Obaba's ping pong dojo). He's the head coach at the Japan National Training Centre. So Obaba brought Peco to train there with the national level players (the players look like adults to me, probably at a college level). You can see that the coach made a few new improvements to Peco's play and he said that Peco could pick them up naturally. 3) Smile doesn't open up with anyone but seems to have built trust with his coach. He felt betrayed by his coach who suggested him to go to Kaio for his future. Instead of making his feeling known, he mentioned how it would be difficult for him to fit in given that he indirectly got Sakuma suspended from Kaio. And that he has "feelings" too (this statement I feel is more directed at his coach and his disappointment in him, rather than it being about worrying about fitting in at Kaio). 4) "You don't see many garlands because they're not popular" refers to Nori-san's (Ryuichi (Dragon)'s dad) funeral. In Asian funeral, normally the attendees would arrange for wreaths to be displayed at the funeral. So I think the statement shows that Ryuichi's family is somewhat an outcast as not many people bring wreaths for them. So the person told Ryuichi to go and order 5 of them by himself to display at the funeral. 😥 5) Kazama's brief family back story sequence. Nori-san was a failure at business. After he passed away on valentine's day, Ryuichi's granddad took over and made the business a success (Poseidon ping pong product and mat shoes etc). He only took notice of Ryuichi when it was identified that he got a talent for ping pong. Since then, Ryuichi worked hard at ping pong and carried the burden of his family, Kaio, and the company. From my understanding, Yurie's dad is Ryuichi's dad's brother (so Yurie's dad is Ryuichi's uncle). The weird silent screams likely represent his pain in thinking about his brother passing away as the images cut to him crying alone in the toilet with the voice of his own dad saying that "you must not show any weakness". When he had a meeting with Smile at school, he said that Butterfly Jo is his hero (not his own father), to which Ryuichi later looked gloom and said that he doesn't have a hero. 6) Yurie took her car for a crazy drift as she was likely frustrated from not hearing from Ryuichi on Valentine's. 💔 She came back home to the same flowers that the vice captain gave her, but now in a vase. I'm not sure what it means. Were they vice captain's flowers, or were they from Ryuichi? I'm not sure! I'm also confused lol. These are just my own interpretation / understanding from this episode though and I'm not sure if I understood everything correctly. 😅 Thank you so much for the reaction and looking forward to the next episode 😊


finally i had the time to read your well written out comment on this episode of ping pong! yay!! a lot goes unnoticed on a first watch so it is interesting to see/hear more details from your perspective. thank you for explaining about obaba! It makes me like peco even more that he hangs out with "some random old lady" and they have cultivated such a good relationship, despite them not being related. really sweet and special! Smile's relationship with his coach is also very good, although more "subtle-y" deep (from my POV). I'm soooo glad for him though because his home life doesn't look as happy and fun compared to peco (i feel that way because of all his young siblings and his bright/smily mom's face). So it's really nice to know that Smile is connecting with someone that can be a strong father figure for him actually. Yay :)) that's really sad to hear about his dad's funeral :(( definitely sheds more light on the situation right... I thought "wreaths" are not popular. but turns out it was the family themselves... OOF. Right in my feels :((( what you wrote about in #5 I definitely wouldn't have gotten any of that by myself. I would like to rewatch and try to catch the info and symbolism in the details of the show. SO WAIT he was being honest when he said they were cousins then??? uhhh ohhh...


Hi Kayla 👋 Yeah, I love Peco and Obaba - they're adorable! 🥰 That's an awesome take on Smile and his coach! He's someone who really cares for Smile and want what is best for him and willing to put in the work to get him there - a quality of the father figure that Smile has been missing indeed. 😊 Peco seems to have a warm and supportive family, so in a simple way, it kinda shows in both of their characters. Yeah, I think it's a Kiss x Cousins situation (from my understanding but I might be wrong). 😅 Because we also see that Yurie also refers to Ryuichi's mum as "Aunt Emiko". To be honest on #5, I thought I kinda got the gist of it but after you mentioned me towards the end of the reaction, I went back to see those scenes again too to try to capture the details as I also wasn't so sure. 😅 This is just my own interpretation though. If you have time before the reaction, it would be great if you could watch that valentine's cake baking scene again and see if you interpret it in a similar way. 🙂