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I am on the verge of reading the OP manga past where the anime is at... I am SO EXCITED to know more information and start theorizing with everyone...

But I don't want to just jump in without hearing your thoughts one last time. Many of you have been supporting me since my very first OP reactions (or at least very early on in my journey) and I can't express how much I appreciate you all!!

so I wouldn't do anything rashly to curb your enjoyment of my content.

Please vote below (the majority won't win just because they're the majority, I want to see the difference though and most importantly, hear your thoughts in the comments!).

I would say, if there are 10% of people that want me to remain anime only, it will make my decision very hard, as I don't want to make anyone unhappy :((

but I will also consider my own enjoyment and excitement and even if not now or soon... eventually I will have to surpass the anime to catch up with the manga... PS. the manga read alongs would be patreon exclusive, just FYI



You do you. But for me personally the manga destroed the anime for me. While the pacing isn't as bad in Wano as it was in WCI or Dressrosa. I don't like the Dragonball like animation at all. For me it is way over the top and I see myself more complaining about that that enjoy the anime itself. I came to a point where I haven't seen the last 40 or so episodes and I am just reading the manga every Sunday (on the official translation). The big adventage of reading every manga is that you can't get spoiled (aside from different theories ofc.) on upcoming events (anime). Over the years I also enjoy most manga more than their anime, which I believe is just that I can stop at any point and continue when I like. While on the naime I am bound to watch it for 21 minutes at the time. But to close this message I can only repeat myself that it "might" influence how you percieve the anime moving forward.


I voted anime only just because you'll be opening a box of a different "group" that are rabid assholes for lack of a better term. But you are used to the aot crowd so nothing new for you. I'll say from a manga reader it put the anime in a worse position for me that I only watch one piece anime once a month binging 4 episodes at once.


Its hard to not want to know what happens next even if its avalaible albeit in only manga form, its really up to you. i caught up but it makes me enjoy the anime less so i only read the manga in waves so i can "forget" some scenes so i don't know whats going to happen in the episode before it comes out. its like spoiling a movie for yourself if you really do enjoy the anime more. but some people enjoy the manga more so its really just whatever you prefer. you could just read a few manga chapters ahead of the anime episode were at and see if it impacts how you watch the next few episodes and decide if you want to continue reading ahead or not. i do think you would make good theories if you were caught up though. TLDR: i'd say anime only but im super biased and enjoy watching the anime more than i do reading the manga for one piece so take this with a grain of salt.


If this were any other arc besides Wano I'd say switch to the manga in a heartbeat but the level of production that Toei has brought to the big moments so far has been insane. Of course that's coming from an outside perspective, personally I didn't last a month as anime only before switching to the manga lol. So to try and derive someone else feels selfish on my part. I will say trying to hang in there for a few more months would bring the most compromise. In the end though, I'm fine either way. So do w/e brings you the most joy in regards to One piece :)




Wait the end of wano or at least the end of the fight


Going for the manga will just be a spoiler fest for anime watchers. Even if you personaly dont spoil during the anime reactions, it will just open the doors for spoilers in the comments/chat/discord.

Fotis Fragoulis

I think you should start reading the manga after Wanos ending which might be around September


Going past the anime in my opinion is a good idea, but you will be entering in new territory that's comes with its own rabid fanbase. I would love to see you caught up and able to engage and collaborate more with the greater op community as you no longer would be behind.


I voted for anime only. The reason why I love watching anime reactions is because I get to see someone's genuine reactions to things they see for the very first time. I get all giddy and excited while thinking "oooh, how are they going to like this specific story moment or what do they think about that character", those honest first time reactions are the reason why I even watch anime reactions. Seeing them makes me happy. :) If you weren't a reaction channel I'd definitely recommend switching to manga as it's so much better than the anime (in my humble opinion), but as the anime reactions are your main thing... well. I can't say for sure, but I do think if you were to catch up on manga, it'd also affect your enjoyment on the anime and therefore it could affect your reactions. In the end it's your choice to make and I'm fine with whatever you decide to do!! I wish your upcoming week will be great <3


Here's the thing. Once the one piece gets revealed in the manga, there will be no way you will ever not be spoiled on what the one piece will be if you stay anime-only. Spoilers will be everywhere. Since one piece is ending pretty soon, I think it would be wise to start the manga now so that when the one piece is revealed, the spoilers won't affect you and you can still enjoy the reveals with everybody who does read the manga. The anime at the moment is phenomenal in terms of animation, therefore you can still react to the anime. Just my take.

Hikari D Xebec

Perhaps after Wano is done before switching to the manga. Considering what they have done with the anime and how amazing these climactic battle is so far, as much as I want to see you reacting to future fights faster, its now wouldn't be too long before every remaining fights wraps up. I believe those fights are gonna be done justice in the anime and so even if its gonna take longer to reach them who knows when that is, I think its worth experiencing those climax battles in the anime xd


I want you to catch up on the manga but maybe after Wano ends.


I voted for the manga, but I feel at least for now is better stay in the anime, the best of wano is still to come and we are not that far from it so maybe is better wait a bit longer, I feel you could go to the manga after the big events coming in this arc or you also could wait til the end like I see some people here suggesting.

Jolly D. Joestar

IMO, the anime has been doing Wano so much better than the manga it’s insane, but if the #1 thing you love about one piece is the mysteries and theorizing, then you should switch to manga


Maybe wait till wano ends and then read the manga


I can only speak for myself but i think the manga is way better than the anime, reading it you can enjoy every panel and conversation without hurry or being "distracted" by animation and you get to see exactly what Oda want to show you and how. Plus the Cover Story (sometimes really important) very often "forgotten" by the anime.


It doesn’t really matter to me, as long as I get to see you experience the story no matter the form. What I will say is that I’m guessing the next, say, three months of the OP anime is going to be absolutely wild. But then again all of that stuff is currently sitting out there in manga form. If I were in your position I couldn’t wait.

The Void Century

It's been a year since I became a OP manga reader. It was the best decision. You could always have additional anime reactions for those pieces of the story that are worth checking out in the anime also. Double One Piece greatness almost each week, 100% confirmed :D

The Void Century

Aside from my previous points, I started following you several years ago because of how eloquent and interesting your reviews and discussions about certain themes have been. The real decisive factor should come from your real wish. Whenever you feel some sort of chains doing anything you like, there's a chance for a new perspective.