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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Crunchyroll or VRV. Here is the official site!

Make sure to support legal streaming sites and buy the manga! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Episode 5: Google Drive or Streamable or Dailymotion

Episode 6: Google Drive or Streamable or Dailymotion

It's a bit difficult to articulate why, but the first 2 episodes of this show hit so different than the last 2 - 3... My score went from a 9 to a 7 (which isn't bad, but I guess my expectations were just too high). I am hopeful for the rest, however, because in episode 6 I saw the start of some necessary character growth which I feel will accumulate and add to my enjoyment. 

I'm always nervous when saying I haven't been enjoying something as much as others, because a few people will always take it personally 😅 and so when I get nervous I repeat myself and talk even more than usual. Sorry about that! It's okay not to love every moment of every character in a show (silly example: when Inosuke was introduced in Demon Slayer, I didn't like him at first, but his actions were soon given context and not long after, he became one of my BEST BOYS 💗). 




PS. (I know this will bother some people so let me just say in advance) imagine if Goku does KAME HAMEE HAMEE HAAAMEEE HAAAAAA (lots of build up) and then "pfweeeee" just a little trickle of light comes out. I think it would be funny. Anti-climatic things can be funny :) that's all I will say lol

Kevin Kovacs

I think the only thing I kinda worried about Sagiri's character later on is that they give her moments to shine then either Gabimaru or Yuzuriha is gonna stole the spotlight from her if she doesn't get anything interesting once we get to main storyline since this still feels like "introduction arc" and the ending made me look forward to get into the lore of this island. I did felt like the animaion/art was off at times during the fight against the giant dude but my enjoyment didn't went down that much since my score was always stayed at 7.5 or 8/10. The characters so far hasn't giving us that much care/impact on them to not forgot about them HOWEVER once we have a better storyline with all the characters that most likely gonna stay at least till the final act of the story then I'm gonna say it was worth the wait to have little backstorys for each person because for me I don't need a sad backstory to care about somebody.. I can name like 5 animes just now that they don't have backstorys but they moving the story so much better or as good.