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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Netflix or VRV. Here is the official Twitter page, too!

Make sure to support legal streaming sites and buy the manga! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

Watch my reaction on Google Drive or Streamable or Dailymotion




I love Eren. He my favorite character and it’s not even close. BUT doesn’t change the fact he’s a bad guy. Sometimes I just like bad guys, but I also love thorfinn for different reasons. He my second favorite character behind askelad. People got to understand for the same reasons they like a character could be the same reasons someone else dislikes them (not referring to you). Hopefully I said everything in a non triggering way. Enjoyed your reaction


Haha the only way eren fans can trigger me is by when they call me stupid while asking 100 of the same questions that I’ve addressed in depth in multiple videos 😫 and then on top of everything put words in my mouth. eren is a great character but he’s not meant to be liked by everyone, the sooner they realised that the better. Eren and Thorfinn have similar aspects in their journey, but the characters are “used” to portray a different end. Thorfinns journey is the one I love to see most, but if all characters had the same journey it would be boring. We need the contrast - in stories and in life. It’s real. We need rain to appreciate the sunshine, and vice versa. But why get mad at someone when they say they don’t like rainy days!? Haha dumb example but anyway 😋