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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like AnimeLab, Crunchyroll, Funimation or Hulu.

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Markub El Jaden

I feel like trying to rehabilitate a villain (especially THE final villain) might be a beautiful thing in theory, but 9 times out of 10 it come off as a lazy and cheesy way for writers to portray their MC as an overly moral/honorable person and to add "will he or will he not?" suspense to the story, especially when the villain hasn't shown any redeemable qualities to make them worthy of all this sympathy.


Actually that’s an important point!! Showing me a villain with redeemable qualities would at least be better than (trying to) derive the majority of the my sympathy for them from when they were a kid. Yes yes… I know they suffered 15 years ago, many people do and DONT become villains 🤷🏼‍♀️ Give me more than that. Trying to think of a character that’s a good example of that.. well, shotos dad!! Even Bakugo maybe 😅😅… I’m rushing to stream now but this is actually a very interesting angle for this topic so hopefully I remember to chat about it next time

Markub El Jaden

Please do let me know in what video you will talk about, I would I love to hear you talk more about it.


Thank you for the reaction and the interesting discussion of this episode. That braaibroodjie looks delicious! 🤤