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Episode 15+16: Google Drive or Streamable or Dailymotion

Episode 17+18: Google Drive or Streamable or Dailymotion

The Dailymotion link for ep17 & 18 reaction won't be ready for a while, so for the next 40 minutes or so please use either GD or streamable, thanks! 



Adam Young

I like that Pakku made an exception only for Katara - they don’t mention teaching any other women. She didn’t change their customs or tribe, only the beliefs of a single master. You’re a bit too eager to call her a Mary Sue I think. In the end it wasn’t her impetuousness or anger that got her way, but Pakku’s own past and failings being exposed. Btw I definitely think the women shouldn’t be fighting - they’re a single tribe under a hundred year siege!


I didn’t call her a Mary Sue in these episodes. Earlier in my reactions I said she makes me think of those kind of characters and I hope she proves me wrong because I do like her. Saying “I’m too eager” to say something when it’s literally my job to give my thoughts… I don’t understand that. I think it was during my first week of reactions (first four eps) where I shared my first impression. So I don’t really understand the issue since it’s my own feelings. As I said again in These episodes. Did you listen to my review at the end of the second video?


If you listened to my review you’d hear my main issue was with the story/pacing. They don’t have time to flesh things out so the character just gets mad and wow amazing everything works out perfectly for her. As I said in my review, the story makes sense and it’s good how things worked out (I’m glad for her, I just wish she acknowledged explicitly in the episode the insane value healing has), it all just happened so fast in one episode. But I still gave it a 7/10 so? What exactly is the problem with sharing these opinions? 😅


And I never said she changed how the whole tribe works, just that her anger and tantrum in ONE single episode got the main/best master to bend their 100 year old rules for her. Please listen to what I actually say before getting defensive about a show/character you love and only want to hear positive opinions on.


I think what the episode with the northern air temple suffered from was being a kids show. I don't know how strict the regulations are (some darker elements might be ok) but I don't think they wanna show kids people dying so casually.


Next two episodes are the first season's finale, so I'm really excited for your reaction and hope you enjoy them! Really love hearing your discussions and appreciate the honesty in your ratings. Also, I looked through the next two seasons to see how the visuals changed (they're definitely better, but I'm afraid the box isn't going away), and I noticed that many episodes with multiple parts are put together into one (mostly Season 3, but some in Season 2). Just a heads up, but I'm sure they still have the title cards in between.


Yeah I think I mentioned that and I have no issue with it ofc it’s just like many Shonen. But I just meant that’s why I don’t particularly like the story bc it doesn’t/can’t show the harsh reality of making such decisions/taking those actions


Thank you so much that means a lot and thank you for the heads up 👏🏼🤩 I’m super excited for more!!

Xhulio (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-28 15:15:35 Since you were curious about arm wrestling, i've actually started watching arm wrestling like 2 years ago for the first time and now it's one of my favorite sports😁. From the set up of the hands to the match himself it looks simple from someone who hasn't watched arm wrestling at all, but there's a lot of tricks and rules that gets involved in, it's a unique sport. Very technical. Back then it wasn't too popular and recognized as a sport but the last couple of years it's blowing up and it's becoming very popular. The one you looked up on google Sandris Sedis he's the world champion on his weight category. There's different weight categorys classes. But anyways just some information on arm wrestling and how it works💪. Enjoying your Avatar reactions btw💜
2023-01-28 13:43:18 Since you were curious about arm wrestling, i've started watching arm wrestling 2 years ago for the first time and now it's one of my favorite sports😁. From the set up of the hands to the match itself it looks simple from someone who hasn't watched arm wrestling at all, but there's a lot of tricks and rules that gets involved in, it's a unique sport and very technical. Back then it wasn't too popular and recognized as a sport but the last couple of years it's blowing up and it's becoming very popular. The one you looked up on google Sandris Sedis he's the world champion on his weight category. There's different weight categories classes. But anyway, just some information on arm wrestling and how it works💪. Enjoying your Avatar reactions btw💓

Since you were curious about arm wrestling, i've started watching arm wrestling 2 years ago for the first time and now it's one of my favorite sports😁. From the set up of the hands to the match itself it looks simple from someone who hasn't watched arm wrestling at all, but there's a lot of tricks and rules that gets involved in, it's a unique sport and very technical. Back then it wasn't too popular and recognized as a sport but the last couple of years it's blowing up and it's becoming very popular. The one you looked up on google Sandris Sedis he's the world champion on his weight category. There's different weight categories classes. But anyway, just some information on arm wrestling and how it works💪. Enjoying your Avatar reactions btw💓


Yeah true, though in shonen they can kind of imply it at least, because japanese kids shows aren't as strict as most from other countries (seems like that at least from what I have seen)


Who is calling Katara a Mary Sue? She is exact opposite of a Mary Sue. She has plenty of flaws and isn't even as competent in water bending as Aang, despite Katara being literally from a water tribe. Earlier in the season we were shown Katara teaching Aang waterbending, and Aang quickly surpass Katara's own skills.


Jesus no one called her a Mary Sue if you’re going to jump to conclusions rather than actually listen to my reviews I’m just going to delete this thread

Joe skywalker

I'd like to offer my insight on the shift in custom of the northern water tribe, just in case folk were curious about other interpretations. It's easy to think it was katara that was the source for change, especially since she got a good portion of the spotlight (arguably for good reasons) but i found the origin to be different, i believe it was pakku himself. Katara didn't manage much on her own. She did impress pakku, but as we see in the episode, that alone was not enough, i believe what caused it was a moment of revelation for pakku. Katara's grandmother left the northern watertribe, it is said she left without saying goodbye. If we are to assume that the lack of farewell included Pakku then it would stand to reason that he did no recieve an explanation, the way i see it, it is after Pakku's confrontation with Katara that he realizes his folly, and he likely decides to teach katara based on this, as a form of honouring her grandmother. As I've already said, this is my interpretation, which includes many ifs in it, nonetheless I'm quite content with it, and i hope others are too.