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You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on Netflix.

Make sure to support legal streaming sites and buy the manga! (◕)*:・゚✧

Episode 9+10: Google Drive or Streamable

Episode 11+12: Google Drive or Streamable

Episode 12+13: Google Drive or Streamable




Please don’t answer rhetorical questions 🤦‍♀️ had to delete a comment because I don’t want someone else to be spoiled. I obviously don’t want to know what happens in the next season!! Let me be surprised ffs what’s the point of telling me huge plot points right now


I have to say, part 6 was one of my least favorite part up until the ending. But the ending was so good and its implication so great that I honestly forgot how bad the first two parts were. The ending to the stone ocean was so unique when you think about it. Pucchi is one of the rare cases where the villain "wins", in that, Pucchi successfully fulfilled his plan of creating a "new" universe. But, ironically in doing so, it leads to better lives for the Jostars since they aren't burdened with the Jostars' curse (Jolyne and Hermes never go to prison, etc). Regarding the new universe, I think I might agree with Pucchi assessment that the new universe leads to "better" lives for everyone. I didn't agree with the MEANS of how he achieved the creation of the new universe (killing people, etc), nonetheless, the ENDS (result) has good implications IMO. Such as no more Jostar curse, Jotoro and Jolyne are on good terms, Eremes sister is still alive, etc. Still, "the ends don't justify the means" applies here too, but if there's nothing you can do about it, then at least the "ends" is good. The first ending song being named "roundabout" is f'ing genius now that I look back on it. The staff HAD to have planned this since Stone ocean manga ended in 1999, and the anime started in 2011 There still a lot of questions I am curious about (don't answer if you know). What happened to all the characters in the "old" universe, did parts 1-6 not happen in the current "new" universe?

Tiago Silva

Usually I'd agree to the 'being prepared helps bring happiness idea' but when it's everyone I suddenly become very contrary to the idea in the long run as meaningless like there is a counter-intuitive nature to it. Like trying to fix something in a time travel only for a new varible from that fix to bring a completely unexpected and different outcome, cause and effect is never as simple as we would like it to be. I'm sure while it would solve problems for a lot of people eventually I think it will also invite new problems along the way.