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Hello hello hello 👋🏼

The schedule change has happened and it’s definitely been a very positive change falling asleep at normal times. I’m still going to need to adjust to some things, but I’m feeling very excited 🤩

Now I just need to worry about better internet… MJ from OXYGN came by today and they are taking the hardware we bought to “reconfigure” or something at their office. They will come back later today and hopefully by 4h30 p.m. (the time I’m supposed to stream) things will be set up.

I’m not sure yet, however, since the people who live across from us only come home at 4 p.m. (they need to get into their house to set up things too).

Essentially, since we can’t get fiber directly at the moment, we will be connecting to the fiber internet from the people next door. It’s better than what we have now where MANY people are trying to connect to one “box” and it’s congested (which is why I have been having sooo many issues!!) 😩

So they’ll come by and set up our stuff first (once the hardware is reconfigured I guess). Then when the neighbors get home, they’ll set things up over there and connect us.

I really hope I’ll be able to stream tonight 🙏🏼 worst case scenario it’ll be done tomorrow (said MJ).

SUMMARILY THOUGH the good news is we’ll have really good internet soon 😍😍 I can’t waiittttt!!

CLICK HERE for my schedule. So just check this for any changes closer to the time I should be streaming tonight. I can’t wait for the fiber, because things will be so much more consistent once I have better internet 🙏🏼

thank you all so much for your continued support 💖



Lord Modru

I'm excited you finally getting fiber internet 🥰. I know this going to be a huge stress relief for you.


Yayyyy finally! So happy for you! 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️


I was wondering, are the 3 Gintama episodes that were supposed to be for this week/last Sunday delayed until you start watching Gintama again?


Omg did I not post the last batch again?? I think I forget because the sponsor is always in the stream to watch along and then I forget that other people ALSO need to watch it 😭 I’m already in bed so I’ll have to post tomorrow but the links are on the discord for now xx sorry!!


No worries, it happens. Thank you for replying, really looking forward to watching your reaction :)