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Episode 865+866: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable

Episode 867+868: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable

Episode 869+870: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable



Timo Pahde

Uhm...WHAT?! One day earlier than usual? Thank you so much Kayla! 🤗🙏❤️

Jolly D. Joestar

I’m still binging Gintama rn, ep 59, but just wanted to say , you have seen the coolest fight in one piece IMO

Justin Lewis

Would you enjoy these episodes more if there were other fights like what we've had in past arcs?

Komachi fag

for real, i can never take any character voiced by Sugita seriously anymore. all i heard are Gintoki and Hideyoshi


Hey KT...... i just wanted to inform you that Luffy used Observation Haki a million times after the Timeskip.... I the first thing we saw Luffy do was dodge a Bullet by Fake-Luffy.....or a few episodes later where he dodged 3 Pacifista LaserBeams.....


One piece can be frustrating at times because it doesn’t give you direct answers but looking back at Rayleigh’s flashback at episode 870 the flashback co-relates with luffy’s current situation. The flashback shows first introduction of gear 4th bounce man and Rayleigh is impressed but not content and is saying it’s not enough then proceeds to speed blits luffy. It shows that bounce man alone isn’t enough. It has strength but lacks speed therefore pushing luffy to make another variant of gear 4th so in a way, the flashback does build up to snakeman.


I think the flashback at the start of 870 was to show how Bound Man isn't fast enough to land hits on people with superior Observation Haki. I agree it ran on too long and could've been shorter, but it gave us some insight on why Luffy even came up with Snake Man in the first place. Bound Man is super strong but lacks speed. This new form makes Luffy fast enough to overwhelm Katakuri despite his future sight.


But we knew bound man wasn’t enough 😅 since Luffy already tried to fight Katakuri with it and failed.


Many characters dodge attacks lol before timeskip too 😅 dodging is not the same as showing us explicitly (with like a sound effect or something) that observation haki is being used. Like if he uses hardening, we can see it. They could’ve hinted at it better by using SFX or something - unless (like I said) they did and I missed it.


Yeah at the end of the day, when you just watch one episode per week, and 52 eps takes 1 year instead of 9 weeks, I think such repetitive flashbacks are less annoying week by week compared to back to back in one day. So I was mostly frustrated that they could’ve used the Rayleigh flashback to show something new (Luffy coming up with the idea for snake man) rather than the idea for bounce man, since we already knew bounce man was too slow to defeat Katakuri, since he tried that recently (I think in last week’s reactions) and failed. So I didn’t need to be reminded one week later that bounce man was too slow. Although if it happened 10 weeks ago (bounce man vs Katakuri ep) maybe I wouldn’t have been so “ugh I knew this lol why are you reaffirming something I know in the 6th flashback I’m seeing today”


I alrealdy watched only this fight edited in some amv on yt and 2x speed up and was like 20min so yeah. About watch and read weekly I don't know how to explain like everyone who I know that caught up from Dressrosa and beyond just read the manga and others like me just let a bunch of episodes to watch it in one day like 10 - 14 ± 3 months of waiting and the manga rythm is not that great too some weeks have a chapter and others dont since i caught up in oct 2020 and my personal taste is very far from the fanbase like this is my favorite arc tied with sabaody while others is marineford/enies lobby so when an arc has more moments to my favorite character i like more than just fight and for this just see sanji, nami and Brook shine just i feel relieved 🤧


i think watching one pace for these arc would have been much better ,to me the whole arc was going so slow the i stop watching the anime near the end of the craker fight , when i learn the it ended i watched the arc ,since i be able to forward what i dint wanted to see ,watching it from where i left till it finish in 1 day

Redding Tier

Hear me out: Pudding x Sanji x Nami. An OT3.


Definitely a guy thing I guess xD


To be fair in the manga the fight was long as heck too. Personally I loved binge watching this fight because how well written it was (best of the series till here for me), but I understand not everyone liking these long ass fights, more considering that till you are now, it's already the longest fight in whole fuck*ng anime history 😂😂


your viewpoint on the flashbacks is interesting and understandable. if it makes you feel any better, they were present in the manga and was not stretched out in any way in the anime. the general consensus from the community is that they loved it especially since many have wanted glimpses of luffy and zoro's training during the timeskip and personally I felt it fit in well with how snakeman was introduced. also watching it back, rayleigh's "rise to the top luffy" before the final attack did give me chills. I do understand however that you may not be as interested especially during the climax of this fight.


Just occured to me when Nami was intimidating Zeus, she essentially pulled a "Life or Slave" on it, kinda like how Big Mom's power works lol


And this is why one pace was the better option. Not sure why people insist on you watching the normal slow ass anime at this point. It's tough to get through like this.


Yesss I’ve been waiting for this!!!! EPICNESS!! Thanks for the reactions~


animechan u have wrong understanding for this fight


yooo guys i dont think she will get the sense of this fight she will get the wrong understanding for the fight cuz if u get the fight it could be the best fight in OP and it is for me


Toei put the sound effect only for the Future Sight in this arc. Future Sight being a level up of the Obersvation Haki. But Observation Haki is being used for severals arcs without sound effects. Used by Luffy, Zoro, Sanji... and others. I think they did that to show the difference. And for the pacing and flashbacks...well Toei is known for that. Lol


I think in the manga it is more explicit that Luffy uses observation haki since the timeskip, I think the different sounds that the anime brings confuse more than help. If I'm not mistaken, the first glimpse of Observation Haki was in the Zoro vs Mr 1 fight when he dodges the rocks. I think at this point it was just an idea that Oda decided to bring up again in the future. Do you consider any information from SBS that you haven't read spoilers? If not, I could even cite something that maybe supports this idea.

Lévêque Alexandre

It's very curious how different the humans reaction can be... You cried so much about the last six episodes of Luffy versus Katakuri, while it's for me the most hyped and interesting fight of One piece since timeskip by far, like I think 90% of One Piece fans thaught too. I can understand reaction, but those episodes are most interesting than aroung 50 episodes in Dressrosa and 50 episodes WCI, and of whole fishmand island saga, so I must admit that it sound weird for me to complain like that

Gabriel Rodrigues dos Santos

The manga wanted to give us the feeling of a long and tiresome fight, but in the anime they decided to show us most of it. That's my experience at least.

Lévêque Alexandre

I also think that people are so much Luffy's fangirls or fanboys that they want Luffy defeat his ennemy in around 5 episodes maximum... while the fact that Luffy struggle that much against Katakuri, more than any of his fight since timeskip is WHAT MAKES IT INTERESTING, to see the main character struggle like never before with difficulty against a 1 billion bounty man... if Luffy had defeated him to much easily like in plot armor shonen shit, it's me who would have been seriously disapointed.


Or the episodes aren't that great or maybe the flashbacks repetitive. I've seen her super hype these last few weeks with KNY for example. There is a difference between watching episodes 1 a week and watching 4 or 6 together. Maybe it's better if you stop comparing her to others reactors. God that's annoying really


When did I say I want it to happen in 5 episodes? A fight can be long but still entertaining. The flashbacks just became too much for me in these last six eps and kind of killed my hype. My score was still a 9 for episode 870 though so (I really don’t mean this to sound rude) but who is your comment directed at? 😅 … it sounds like it’s directed at me because I didn’t get hyped enough but I mean. What can I do about that? Give a dishonest review? Fake excitement?


Since the final episode is 877, are you going to react to one more episode next week?

F. Carasind

The Rayleigh flashbacks in the anime add scenes to the manga content (or even invent the entire Snakeman background story) so they were stretched out in the anime.


Although it was not too explicit, they showed exactly how he ended up creating Snakeman. He observed that Bounceman is too slow to hit targets that are very fast and/or have strong Observation Haki, so he created a form that focused on speed over strength


As I already explained in a comment reply to someone else… it was repetitive to me because we already saw luffy try to fight Katakuri with bounce man and we already saw it was too slow so I didn’t have to see again in a flashback that bounce man is too slow for some fights 🤷🏼‍♀️ this fight is 21 episodes long, literally the longest fight in all of anime. Idk why someone finding it a bit tedious towards the end because of multiple repetitive flashbacks during the climax of the fight is so surprising to people 😅 most people love cake. Not everyone loves cake even tho many agree it tastes delicious. Like, it’s just how I feel. The flashbacks became tedious.


“Toei is known for that” - well I literally said I understand this is a Shonen and it will happen but I’m still going to be honestly about how I feel 😅 I gave episode 870 a great score so I don’t really understand peoples issue with my opinion (not you but some people seem to be really offended). These reviews are just me giving my personal opinion, as I’ve made very clear in the past :) no one’s opinion is objectively correct but I’m here to honestly tell y’all how I experience the show


While it is sad to watch you become so frustrated (at least that’s how it seems) with these episodes, I completely get it. What you are feeling right now is what I began feeling in Marineford and finally noticed at the end of Dressrosa. You hit the nail on the head when you said you should be more hyped but weren’t. I slogged through Dressrosa because I didn’t want to break my streak of watching the anime. After Dressrosa, however, when I looked back on the arc and realized that I felt very little emotion throughout those hundred-something episodes, I pulled the trigger and dropped the anime for the manga. I still watched the anime, but I read the manga first so that my enjoyment is not tainted, because, at the end of the day, that’s what’s most important. I hoped you would not experience the same thing, since you made it through Dressrosa just fine, but Toei gets everyone eventually. I hope it turns out it was just Whole Cake Island frustrating you, and it would be great if the pure ecstatic enjoyment you had returns once you move on to the next arc. I’ll keep watching and enjoying the content regardless.


Part of your issue and a lot of people issues is how repetitive things can be but I hope u relish it not because when u catch up new things u see one week might not pop up again for 7-8 episodes and that’s two months binge watching is hard for people because the shows is not made for that it’s made to give a little new content every week with little to no breaks and as a one piece fan I love it but when you watch all together yes it’s tedious but that’s not the shows fault they cant pump out 12-20 minutes of new content weekly year round that’s insane so u get 8-12 minutes of new stuff plus the intro recap and yes a little bit flashbacks and what not and I’ll happily take it so I get to watch new stuff weekly year round and not have two wait a year or two for any new content or none if canceled like alot of anime also. He could and did always use observation haki all the time but until he met katakuri he never understood how far he could still go he only mastered the basics with Raleigh which they say in the flashbacks


The only reason you can say to “relish it” is because you’re saying it in hindsight. It means nothing on a first time watch experience. Im aware it’s a long running Shonen as I’ve said many times and as I have also said I’m aware that they have to give Oda tome to write and draw chapters. You’re comment is just repeating stuff I’ve said in the past except for the last paragraph.


I kinda don't agree with some of your points regarding some of the scenes (the fb) but I do understand where you're coming from. To me the boundman fb at the start of 870 was really to show that Luffy did not just start to think of a new mode of G4 in this Katakuri fight alone but he was already thinking of a faster G4 mode way back from when he tried boundman against Rayleigh because he couldn't touch him with that. BUT I believe it would have been better if that point was also emphasized a lil bit more than they did there. (Also, I'm not sure exactly which but some of the FBs in this fight wasn't in the manga at all, just wanna let uknow too)

Ashbourne Fernandes

I think you just forgot about CoO haha, I don't think you didn't pick it up while it was mentioned