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I'm wondering if I should switch to watching one pace, or at least try it out. maybe it will improve my experience, but I’m worried it could impact it negatively instead.

I don’t know how they edit the episodes together after all, since it’s not done by professionals… is it done smoothly? 

I think I heard that it's edited together just like it is in the manga (anything unnecessary is cut out), but what if I miss good jokes this way?? I recently rewatched the scene where Usopp creeps up on the wolf guy from the CP9 (after reading it in the manga) and the anime added some extra really funny scenes... it would be so sad to miss things like that!

Plus, sometimes even though some scenes/flow works well in manga format, maybe it won't translate as well to anime format. It could be that the anime director changed something intentionally... So yeah, I'm not sure if One Pace is the answer, but I am curious about it. 

That's why I'm asking for feedback :) 

The poll will not determine my decision 100%, but it will help me to make a decision (you can give some feedback in the comments, but please NO HINTS OR SPOILERS). I am going to get ready for bed soon so I will read comments tomorrow. 



If you did one one pace. How many episodes you will be doing weekly since you will be covering more arc material?


No unless you are in a rush to catch up. Other then that there's no reason too. More enjoyable to watch it fully


You’ll miss out a lot especially the next arc if you do one pace


I think that's a wee bit subjective lol. The pacing in one piece in some of it's arcs legit turned me off to the anime completely. Some people didn't mind it but I found it insultingly terrible


TBH this is really difficult to answer. Normally I would suggest watching one pace after the timeskip but you are already pretty far into the series.


IIRC, One Pace doesn't have "music" cause like you said, it was cut and edit again. And music is part of the experience so I don't recommend it.

Komachi fag

No. But you can try it when you hit Wano arc. Then again, they showed some good stuff that is not even in the manga. So I’m pretty divided on this.


Mixed bag. Give it a try for one sitting and see how you like it. Not gonna hurt to try it out. Especially right now.


If u use one pace, it gotta be in dressrosa. But since you have passed that, anything further than that should be fine imo.


Idk honestly. One Pace did really great job for skipping the unnecessary things. But yeah, you gonna miss some Oda's anime canon jokes that actually really funny. But if you cannot handle the 'dragging' that T*ei did, i think One Pace is really good choice. Honestly though, T*ei did a lot of 'dragging' in this Whole Cake Island arc and that's annoying

Mario Caleb Chaparro Hernández

It would be great if you watch it after getting on point with Wano But as of now I don't think it would be the best idea, specially since on Wano they start expanding on things that because of the length of the arc oda is unable to


I don't recommend it, the cool thing about One Piece is its journey in full at its own pace to the apex of the arc, and you're already very close to the weekly chapters.


The only problem with One pace is that the anime often adds really good stuff that wasn’t in the manga but One Pace would remove it, for example parts of Law Vs Doflamingo was cut due to it not being present in the manga. they are very strict, If this wasn’t the case I would recommend it.


I almost gave up on the anime but switched to one pace until I caught up and haven't looked back since

Gabriel Rodrigues dos Santos

I agree that the pacing of the anime is bad and sometimes they do a bad job at adaptating scenes from the manga, but I also feel that they add some really good stuff. The only problem is their way of producing the anime, if they made 20 less episodes per year they wouldn't have to stretch every chapter and Oda wouldn't have to live in constant fear that the anime will get too close. But if you want to try One Pace, I wouldn't judge.


To be honest, It's not really worth it anymore, One Pace would have been usually better from the beginning of the Timeskip like FMI, Punk Hazard, and Dressrosa where the pacing was much worse.


I would watch it normally cuz your caught up already now. It's your decision whether you want to use it or not. I'm already caught up with the anime and manga tbh Haha.


You should use one pace for the next arc coming up and then go back to regular one piece for the current arc


Stay with the original, the anime is just getting closer to where the manga is currently. Since the time skip, Oda has been taking breaks because his wife force him to have them so he doesn’t overwork. I also enjoy the anime because they add things or moments that Oda wanted to do in the manga.


I've tried One Pace for Wano before and it was really really well edited. I watched the same thing in the normal episode, and I almost wanted to break my monitor for how long they realllllyyyy stretched the episodes. It's so much better at least from those episodes that I watched.


how many episodes was that? cause I felt the anime was better than the pacing in the manga, and a lot of manga readers felt the same.. I feel like imo it would be worse. if the extra stuff for want was edited out.


By chapter count dressrosa and Fishman island had better pacing than modern one piece. Just saying


Tbh I haven't watched anything one pace did in the past few years. The last stuff I saw was in early wci (stuff you've already seen). I had mixed feelings about the edits. I feel like yes there is less of the undesirable stuff which was so undesirable I lost all desire to keep up with the Anime, but it also felt like....why am I watching this instead of just reading the manga? And that's why I've been manga only since episode 850. I've only seen 3-4 random episodes fully since, and 2 minute scenes here and there on Twitter


You got past dressrosa which is literally the absolute worst regarding the pacing in OP (It's the only arc I had skipped to read the manga initially) if you can make it through that then you should be fine especially with the episodes and arcs to come. Though I must say if the pacing is actually starting to ruin your experience maybe switching is the right thing to do. I'll support and watch either way.


I feel there is no need to go for one pace since you are already so close to catching up. You'll be watching weekly with the rest of before you know it

F. Carasind

There is one arc where I would really recommend the One Pace version: The next short one after Whole Cake is a recap hell without it.


I think just watching normally is the way to go, but u do u ofc :)

Lévêque Alexandre

There is something which about 95% of people will agree... keep watching One Piece episodes normally EXCEPT for the next arc (the little arc just after WCI), The next arc have been spoiled with 50% filler or flashbacks, it's a short arc but just for this one yes you can try One Pace.


Hi, i'm a mod, please delete this comment, it's a spoiler for mentioning the next arc


Basically, I don't want you to use it, but I want you to use one pace only for the next Arc. I'm worried that it will be stressful for you because there are many unnecessary parts.


I think its too late now. one pace would've been great for dressrosa. However, i would highly recommend you use one pace for the next arc. generally one piece has a couple filler episodes after any arc but after whole cake island they have mixed canon/filler episodes that are important but the majority of the episode is filler. One pace could improve your experience there.

Roronoa zoro

Keep watching normally until you catch up then switch to the Manga ... this my opinion


You passed the hard part, it will be getting better from now on


i disagree with you on switching to manga. The anime does such a great job recently, that it's better for a first time experience than the manga right now, hence why i quit reading the manga almost a year ago. Sure the pacing is still not perfect but the quality is something never seen in one piece.


One pace is edited really well but it feels so off. You can tell it’s not right and I swear they cut out too much.


One Pace is at episode 949 you are on 852 and the anime is at 1008. I doubt that it would make sense to switch to one pace if you are so close to be caught up to it and have to go back to watch the rest of the episodes in the toei version.


You should watch the reverie arc as an whole and skip all the flashbacks.


I feel like maybe try it for two episode and see if you like the flow and the other things, if you don't like it just go back to normal episode. and for the jokes I think if you like One Pace and the way they edited the episode then tbh the jokes wont matter since its just jokes..


the most important question is do you like the pacing of this arc? if you feel its fine and you don't feel like it too slow then just stick with it, if you feel its impacting your enjoyment of the series then give One Pace a try. Maybe do a special reaction where you watch one or two One pace episodes and watch the same thing but normally and decide which is more enjoyable to you.


If you made it through Dressrosa without needing One Pace there's no reason to start it any time after that lol. WCI has some slow pacing but nothing ever gets as bad as dressrosa in the anime


I do recommend for next arc

Hikari D Xebec

In my opinion one pace is definitely for dressrosa, anything after that arc has been better in comparison.


definitely try one pace, at least for the next arc only. i completely get getting bored for 3 minutes watching and then something mildly interesting happens and then it goes back to boring. it's much more exciting when all the unnecessary parts toei adds to complete an episode somehow are removed.


it really flows naturally and it's just overall better