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I've been reading through everyone's comments. I got 75 responses on the survey and probably like 20 DMs at least - which is difficult to keep track of because some are on here and some are on Discord. I really wanted to avoid that, but oh well. The majority of you kept it on the survey so thank you for that.

I was also called a r*tard on Twitter because my opinions are "brainless"😂 but I mean I'm not taking that seriously. Someone that does something like that needs help.

Anyway. by the responses I can tell that any live discussion will just end up being about a third to half of the people making the same points over and over (that I've already addressed at some point during my reactions). I am also worried about the live format, because when someone comes in 30 minutes into the stream, they often ask questions that have already been answered and it can end up derailing the stream. 

So I was thinking of rather just adding/addressing the most common comments to my notes and responding that way. I will make it available publicly after, like I used to with my OP notes. 

If you're really keen for the discussion, I can dedicate 2 - 3 hours to it on Thursday night like I planned to (see schedule). If you think it would be a waste of time, and we should just "agree to disagree" (and I'll do the notes + make them public), then I can continue Thursday with the next 4 reactions. 

Once again, I don't think the comment section of posts are a good place to argue about things, so I'll only be responding either during the livestream OR in my notes (which will be made public). If you missed the link before and haven't had time to share your commentary on the Pain arc (or my reactions to it) please do so HERE (via the survey). 


Kevin Kovacs

I did my survey but write down some not really good points about your reaction which are a little bit harsh (in a way) so I hope you not gonna feel too angry about beacuse it's my favorite arc! 😅 that's why some of my thoughts would be weird or just not well organised.


I have not even finished your part one reactions. So I wont be there, but you are allowed to have your own opinion on whatever. Of all the arcs in Shippuden. Shikamaru's arc is my personal favorite. The Pein arc is fine, it has it's ups and downs. Post the Pein arc there isn't an arc that I enjoy at all. There are still a lot of cool moments but they last barely a moment before it just is hard to watch for me. Btw I know I am not using the English spelling for the "Pein arc". Someone always brings that up... But This is the correct spelling for it when translated from Japanese which is how I watch this show when not watching reactions to it if those peps choose to use the dub. Looking forward eventually to seeing your thoughts as I am sure they will differ from my own.

Redding Tier

Either or is fine with me


I would have liked to hear your final thoughts/score on the arc and how much the deus ex machina in the end lowered the rating.But it's fine if it's just too much headache.


I’ll add it to my notes no worries :) and I’m probably going to end up doing a video similar to the itachi vs sasuke one reading my notes out loud so people can listen to it like a podcast

Raul Iggynashow

I have given up waiting to see when Kayla will cry. Now I am just waiting to see when she will get angry like whenever she sees Danzo. Hahahahahahaha! So on to the next four episodes.


Have you considered not being a brainless idiot? 😂😂😂 just have all of the same opinions as I do about everything, it's easy!


Just go watch her past AOT reaction lol

Jack Shadow

In the very end there was no point in binge watching all those episodes like this, case it is not interesting to discuss anything after you finished. So yeah, that was really bad decision.


Lol yes there was because I could focus on the story and enjoy myself and not waste my energy on annoying people week by week by week. But you won’t get it bc the fact that you commented this is a dead giveaway that you are one of those people.