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I am so frustrated 😫 when I sat down to record tonight, the Internet went off and we were told they’re working on it. Many people complained in the group chat that we’ve been having a lot of internet issues recently (which is why some of my streams have been cut short, but it hasn’t affected my uploads here too much at least).

90 minutes later it comes on and I start recording. FMAB 19 first, and halfway into episode 20 (one video) when my PC just restarted for some reason after showing the second image (attached).

i have no idea why it happened! I recently had to buy a new power supply, AND THEN a new motherboard. I don’t understand how I can still be having problems :(( 

when i tried to open the video file for FMAB 19/20 (which got cut off due to the restart) the PC did the same thing (image 3 attached to this post). It has a a different ”stop code”. I don’t know what’s going on 😫😫 

I am now checking if there is memory problems (fourth image) and after 25 minutes it is at 40% complete. I don’t know if I’ll be able to recover my episode 19/20 reaction and episode 19 was SO GOOD 😫😫😫 

im going to try my best to sort things out tonight. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to post videos but tomorrow night if my pc isn’t fixed I’ll use hanco‘s pc again for one piece



Lord Modru

Im sorry you having so much problems tonight. I hope you can recover episode 19 and 20 of FMAB. I wish there was something i could do to help you out😩. sending you lots of love and good energy💕


I just feel really sad bc I’m pretty sure since I record in mp4 and not mkv I won’t be able to recover the file :(( And the episode was really good so I really want to share my reaction


You could try BlueScreenView to read out your blue screen error and get more information about why this happened

Kevin Kovacs

I'm sorry to hear all this... I had my own issues with my computer/internet for awhile as well BUT not like this one! so I hope everything turns out to be good! and yes ep 19 was 🔥🔥(literally 😅) so let's pray that we can save that one at least! 🙏


Both of these errors indicate a hardware problem. Possibly your RAM. You could run a memory check: Press the windows key + R and the. Type "mdsched.exe"

animaechan (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-06 06:37:06 update: E19 reaction was able to be recovered!! will be posting 19& 20 reaction soon xx
2021-12-08 00:32:10 update: E19 reaction was able to be recovered!! will be posting 19& 20 reaction soon xx

update: E19 reaction was able to be recovered!! will be posting 19& 20 reaction soon xx

Raul Iggynashow

Translated from computer speak, blue screen = " You shall know Pain! "