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DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on sites like AnimeLab, Crunchyroll, Hulu or Netflix.

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Episode 127: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable

Episode 128: Dailymotion or Google Drive or Streamable

NOTE: You can skip the first 12 minutes of E127, it's pretty useless, I was just venting about people like this (click here for tweet). I know people like that are not worth my time/energy, but I've received a lot of that today, so I just needed to process the negativity rather than bottle it up. 

There is lots of talking at the end of 127 and 128 today, too, but I think it's on an interesting subject that is an important overarching theme of Naruto (the show, not just the character). As I said in the video, I don't expect anyone to agree with me, my reviews are just about making my own opinion as clear as possible - and you are welcome to share your thoughts. The point is not for you or me to force others to see things from our perspective. 

However, by giving our own opinion as clearly as possible, and through asking questions and discussing (without taking things personally/attacking someone's character/coming up with a strawman argument), it is much more likely that someone will see/understand things from your perspective. That doesn't mean they will agree with you though - and there's no point in arguing in circles. There comes a time when you realize "you've said your piece, I've said mine, it's time to shake hands and walk away". 

I admit that it's difficult for me, because there is not just one hand for me to shake. When you have people from 20 different sides coming at you with personal insults & strawman arguments, it can get overwhelming. But I feel today I was able to (despite a rocky start) make my thoughts/feelings as clear as possible and although we weren't able to come to an agreement, I do feel like I understand "the other side" better and I hope you feel the same about "my side". 

There is of course more than just 2 side to everything and if you have any other questions you'd like me to answer, or thoughts you want me to expand on in the next video, let me know in the comments, via DM (on here or Discord) or tag me in the anime chat. 




Its hilarious when you are trying to hold in a coment so you dont have to pause the episode hahaha. Great reactions btw! this arc is one of my favorites in the entire series


These next few arcs are goated. I have my faults with this arc in particular but I'll talk about them when they come.

Dontrell Durant

Naruto has a lot of talk-no jutsu in it.

Jack Shadow

Fuc* democracy :D Agree Kayla, you don't have to listen others if you don't want. I love to watch your reactions, not reaction that someone wants to see.


We here boys!!!


They could’ve have given us prequels with so many amazing characters instead they gave us Boruto 😂😔


that's what i was thinking :P not that i have watched boruto - but all i see is people complaining so i thought sth like that would've been better but oh well


imo right and wrong is **not** about the action itself (murder or burning a building ,.. etc) its about the outcome of the action like if an action is the only way to have a good outcome then it is right .. whatever it was


I respectfully disagree with your concept of right and wrong. it is Not wrong to raise children to become ninja fighter in a world where it is necessary to know how to fight and kill since you're a kid to survive. in fact what would be wrong is to raise kids not knowing how to fight or use ninjutsu as it would reduce their chance of suvival. actions in themselves cannot be labeled good or bad whithout context otherwise that would be moral absolutism, and we all know how ineffective and wrong it is to force absolute moral values to every situation.


Sorry to bring up Neij again Kayla but I think everyone gets defensive about him because they've already seen the entire show and have had time to develop a view of him, but we don't take into account that this is your first time watching the show and of course you might just have a different opinion anyway. I personally agree with you that Neji's world view is wrong and I remember as a kid I hated Neji during the chuunin exams, especially after he almost beat Hinata to death. Tbh it was only after I watched someone else react to it that I started to think that even though I disagreed with Neji and his destiny bullshit, I think it's completely reasonable that he came to those conclusions. No other character we see on screen up to this point can even relate to Neji's life. He cannot dream like the other characters can becasue at the end of the day his purpose will always be to serve the main branch, no matter what he does in his life. He cannot even flee the village to escape the Hyuuga system because of the seal on his forehead. It's no wonder he felt trapped by his "destiny". It's no wonder dreamers like Rock Lee and Naruto annoy him so much when he himself could not just dream of being hokage like Naruto because the seal on his forehead prevents it. Again I still do agree with you that Neji's world view is still wrong and honestly when I watched the show for the first time I probably would have agreed with you even more. I think people gotta realise in most cases they've had several more years to form an opinion on Neji and the Hyuuga clan than you have( that doesn't make them right of course ). Most watched Naruto as kids as well so will have a stronger attachment to the character because he's nostalgic.