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Episode 11: Google Drive or Dailymotion or Streamable

Episode 12: Google Drive or Dailymotion or Streamable

Episode 13 P1: Google Drive or Dailymotion or Streamable

Episode 13 P2: Google Drive or Dailymotion or Streamable

Last DM link will be added when I have it. 

DISCLAIMER: You are obviously here to watch my reaction/listen to my review and have already seen the original episodes on legal streaming sites like Hidive, Netflix, AnimeLab or Amazon.

Make sure to support legal streaming sites and buy the manga! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧




KT. Are you going to watch "Dawn of the Deep Soul" too?.. then you are ready for Season 2




Hey KT! Wanted to say I don't blame you for being weirded out for certain scenes. It's weird to me, as well. It feels so out of place for such an amazing story. Maybe I'm too skeptical, but it feels like fan service, which is just wrong. What kind of creeps would feel serviced by that?! Curious if that stuff is in the manga. Hopefully, in S2 they do away with that creepy stuff. It adds nothing, in fact, it even takes away from some scenes. Anyways, loved your reactions to this. Great show, and music is incredible.


Honestly, it's totally normal to find things in this show weird and uncomfortable; the show can make a person feel uncomfortable in multiple ways, and it does it deliberately. I sometimes do question what the author's state of mind is with some of the details he includes in the show. However, I kind of just either ignore most of it or even find it somewhat interesting if it actually fleshes out the world. All the other fascinating aspects of it like the lore, mysteries, and just my curiosity of what oddity the author comes up with next (even if some of those I definitely question) is more than enough to have me quite invested. I'm just also a sucker for well-constructed dark fantasies as well.


Thanks for a nice review that summarized you viewpoint. Just wanted to mention a few things. My comment about Shonen is taken out of context. It was in response to a comment made during the show, along the lines of: "Why didn't the author make a story about an older protagonist?" This question/viewpoint indirectly implies, the MC should have been older (like in many Shonen type anime), even if not said directly during the review. So, in response, what I implied was, if a Seinen + dark fantasy is not that interesting, then you should just watch some other (Shonen type) adventure anime, which will have the content/themes which are more to your liking. It is just a response, not a justification of my viewpoint or expectation for you to change your opinion. I understand the genre of this show is Seinen, even before I posted my comment. Not comparing it directly to a Shonen (or rather, action) anime, it was an indirect comparison, based on the impression from your comments in the earlier episodes. And being a Seinen anime does not mean, that I automatically expect the MC should be younger or older. It is up to the Author, who wrote the manga. Final thoughts, the show sets up a premise based on what the author is trying to portray (whether it is the story, background of characters or their age). I am viewing the anime, trying to see the author's viewpoint, which I may or may not agree with, but I will still watch it, as the author intended it to be seen. (what I meant by "the whole point of the show") There are parts of the anime that are definitely unnecessary. Besides those, does Riko need to be 12? Maybe, or maybe not, I will leave it to the author to decide what the story is. I was not trying to prove anything, just pointing out that your viewpoint (about MC's age), which you had already mentioned, did not need to be reiterated that many times, as we have already heard and understood your reasoning from earlier episodes.


I don't think I took you bringing up shonen out of context, you bringing it up was out of context in my opinion. "This question/viewpoint indirectly implies, the MC should have been older (like in many Shonen type anime), even if not said directly during the review. " I don't think assuming my question implies shonen is a good reason to bring it up (and this is why I said it is out of context). Shonen MCs are still pretty young (around 14), Seinen characters are usually in their last year of high school (e.g. Lelouch or Light). This is a seinen that uses 12 year olds. So yeah, I think bringing up shonen was weird ^^' Also, it's obvious that everything is up to the author, but I'm a reviewer. I'm going to ask questions and give my opinions on things, and that's what I did :) so saying "it's up to the author to decide" is not for me a good reason why something is the way it is, because I'm here to discuss whether or not I like the way an author chose to do something and give my reasons why.