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The short version: I'm taking next week off watching OP. Tuesday I'll be replacing it with other reactions, but Thursday I'm going to use that time to do my Nezuko photoshoot (my custom outfit finally arrived). I will be watching 4 episodes of OP again on 29 June (so not next week Tuesday, the week after - just one week off OP). 

The longer version (why I am taking a week off). There is no need to read the below, I just want to share some thoughts. 

Last night I was rambling a lot in the last two episodes, but somewhere during 676 I realised that the reason I was overthinking things, was because I felt like I needed to find a reason or justify not particularly liking something. I react to many different, some very popular shows in which some people take strong offence when I don't like (or particularly enjoy) something as much as they wanted me to. This has got me into the habit of always painstakingly trying to explain or justify my thoughts/feelings on anime, which is mostly fine, because I enjoy talking haha. But I don't think one ALWAYS needs a reason to just not particularly like something.

So at the end of episode 676 I tried to explain although I understand that there are reasons for these characters act how they do and I don't need that explained to me, it doesn't mean that I have to like certain characters/decisions they make. Sometimes, I just want to be able to not HAVE to like or agree with a character without getting into a 1 hour discussion with every person about why I'm wrong to disagree/not like something. 

After posting everything, someone messaged me after watching 675 already explaining things to me, and I asked them "please finish 676 and you'll understand". They replied saying there seemed to be a misunderstanding in the OP chat so I went to clear it up. Others were discussing/trying to explain to me the reasons for certain actions, and the more I kept saying "you don't have to explain to me, I just don't have to like it" the more arbitrary and hypothetical the conversation began (e.g. "this or that would not have worked because of this or that"). 

I kept trying to say I don't want to discuss hypotheticals, because there is no way for us to know what might have happened if different actions were taken and (like I said in the video) I do understand the reasons, but I don't always have to like them and I think that's fine sometimes.

Somehow the conversation just kept going on and I kept being tagged, and then responding, trying to explain that I just didn't feel like discussing hypotheticals, because I don't feel it's productive. You can't know anything that might have happened unless it did happen in the story so it would just be an endless discussion of "well it would have turned out this way" and then "no it would have turned out this way" without actually getting anywhere or achieving anything. Of course this is fun sometimes, I have endless discussions with people every week with hypothetical discussions from OP, AOT, Naruto, Made in Abyss, MHA and more (old anime that I've reacted to get brought up a lot too). I thought that this one time, if I said "I just don't HAVE to like this and I just don't think I need to justify my opinion on it" that people wouldn't try to "prove me wrong or right" and just be okay with me having an opinion that's different from there's on certain characters/actions. 

But not even a day after posting my videos, people already seemed to ignore what I said at the end and well... it just made me feel like watching OP isn't fun when it's like this all the time, and it's not even about main characters. So that's why I feel like taking a week off from OP, not watching it, not talking about it, will be good. I'm hoping I miss it a bit and get excited to get back to it, instead of feeling apprehensive about it since I would once again need to justify every single thought and sometimes even expressions (if I don't have the right expression in certain scenes, I need to explain that to people as well - "why did you role your eyes at X?" or "why weren't you more excited when X happened?"). 

Yeah anyway I'm hoping y'all will understand not everyone has to agree with you about everything and not everything needs to (or can be) be "proved". I don't understand why there has to be a right or wrong way to think about a characters actions, because even in real life people don't always make the right decision, but you can't change the decision so you just have to deal with what you got from making that decision. Of course you CAN talk about "what would've happened if different decisions were made", but in the end, there's no real meaning to it (except for being fun/interesting when you care about the characters) so I don't always want to have those conversations when I don't particularly care about the characters. I hope you can understand and I hope that a little break will help me to just relax around certain things and not always feel the need to defend myself/opinions and justify every little thing. 



Don't know what happened but have a good break.


I feel you, the One Piece fanbase is extremely toxic. The simplest thing would be to ignore all the fools, but I don't know if that's the best option in your position as a reactor. Everyone reacts to and appreciates things differently, but many people have a hard time understanding that.


Added note: I don’t think it’s wrong to ask me things like “why were you not more excited about this” or to challenge my opinion on something, but I just wanted y’all to understand that it does get tiring especially since in this case I specifically said “I understand their reasons for it, I don’t need it explained, I just don’t click with it”. 💜 and I think that’s okay and should be accepted sometimes


Ok, see you in two weeks


I tried to ignore in this case, but it was kind of a “live” discussion happening in the OP chat so when someone is misunderstanding you and talking about you with others it feels weird to not at least try and talk it out/meet halfway with them.

Lord Modru

I don't blame you for wanting to take a break after last night. It gave me a heard ache with you just trying to reach a middle ground with them. I'm looking forward with what ever you plan on Tuesday. ❤


Its all good, take your break especially from the toxic one, there's so much people out there love to defense his/her series after all, take a break so that you could enjoy the series when you start to watch again, some people were just dont like any negativity and most of the people dont even watch your thought until the end Im also one of the One Piece freaks that almost watched each of OP episodes like 5-6 times until now so of course i understand better But for me, your thought was very good and important as well to be rambled on, it also shows how you loved the series with your critical thinking, tbh i enjoy your reactions because i want to know and hear how's your thinking about things as your first time watching the series and learn to just accept peoples thought and wait their incoming thought as the story progressing, not only to see people just hanging around laughing and smiling for the entire episode it seems like boring to me Peace out & hope you will be doing well 😁


Just enjoy ... watch at your own pace, ur not breaking any law... the series is supposed to be enjoyed in ur own way... after all one piece is all about freedom isnt it.. haveva nice day


Makes me kind of glad i don't join the discord lol. I don't get why people can't accept that different people might have different opinions on certain characters. I'm a huge Sanji fanboy, but I don't mind that you don't like some of his actions and personality traits at some points. I can understand why some people might be put off by Sanji on occasions. People take this stuff too seriously. Enjoy your week off, hope you can fully enjoy the show again some more when you come back.


thank you so much! I think if I just let things settle as they are for now, and finish the arc. During my arc review, maybe I will see things differently, but I don't think my mind will have time to mull on things in a relaxed way and maybe be more open to liking it if I'm constantly being made to feel like I have to see things in a certain way

F. Carasind

As a One Piece manga reader I am used to one-week breaks. At least next week I can enjoy a new chapter.:) I can see that it sometimes can get too much with so many people that want to state their opinion on things that I think are ambiguous by design.


ah you see I like the words you choose "don't mind that you don't like some of his actions" or like "might be put off on occasions" because a lot of the time people talk in extremes "why do you hate him?" and then no matter what I say they've already made up in their minds that I feel a certain way and they don't really care to hear the truth and just accept that not everyone is going to feel the same ^^' but that doesn't mean hate hahahha


Maybe try not to look to deep into it. Idk. Just watch the show and enjoy the story. I'll say this arc made me question much of this show and made me lose much fandom after it. So who knows what you'll experience be.


but that's what I said I'm trying to do ;) not look too deep into it I mean and just enjoy the story for what it is for once (to whatever degree I am) without having to justify how much I like it or not. Hope that makes sense xx

Chris Boxall

You can’t reason with some people. People are so invested in their understanding of a character that they reject views that are different to theirs. I like your reactions because they are honest and true to your thoughts and feelings.


usually people post the longer version first then add "tldr:" for a shorter summarized version that highlights your main points of discussion. I didn't read much since im at work, but i skimmed what i could and it seemed like you're letting other people affect how you want to react. who cares about us and our opinions especially toxic members of the community, just enjoy yourself. enjoy your break!


this arc has its moments but due to pacing and certain characters, i can completely understand your feelings, especially with where you are in the arc. all I can say is that you'll definently regain your eagerness to watch one piece very soon

m dunt

i actually felt like you needed a break from it. I think you should take a month out or something. Come back fresh :)

Deer Cupid

I will support you know matter what. It's okay to take breaks and those toxic people who can't respect others peoples opinions can leave.

Deer Cupid

I also don't mind your rambling it's authentic that's why I enjoy your content.


Yea, you need that break for sure.


People want reactions to their favorite shows but as soon as those reactions don't line up exactly with what they felt they cant handle it. Enjoy your break, hopefully you'll continue to enjoy One Piece afterwards.


I just don't get some "fans". I watch reactors because I'm interested in their thoughts and feelings while watching my favorite shows, even (or maybe esepcially) if they differ from my own thoughts and feelings. And you are one of the very *best* reviewers/reactors in that regard, exactly because you are always ready to share your honest opinions about things, even if they are negative. Your willingness to openly critizise things and voice your thoughts is what makes you an appealing and interesting reactor. If some people don't like that (after hundreds of episodes of you reacting to One Piece, too), then what are they doing here? Go watch some other reactor who is always over-the-top positive if you can't handle honesty, jeez. I'm a bit behind on your reactions, so I don't know what exactly you criticised, but God knows that Dressrosa is easily one of the messier arcs of the show. It has a lot of good in it and there is some great stuff to come, but having negative thoughts about certain aspects of the arc is super reasonable and understandable, imo. Interacting with fans can suck sometimes, sadly. Take all the time you need to renew your enjoyment of One Piece! ;-)


Thanks so much for the kind words and support 💜✨ I definitely am willing to discuss with anyone usually who disagrees with my opinions, but in this case I just simply didn’t like something and I said at the end “I do understand their reasons, no need to explain it to me, but sometimes you just don’t like something and that’s okay” and it seemed to me like people wanted to argue with my like of something. But right now (I mean I’m not even done with the arc) I wish they’d just give me some time to enjoy the story instead of wanting to debate about why I don’t like it. That’s why I just need to take a step back to get back into the story in the week after instead of getting stuck in these fandom discussions with people who have finished the arc and know more than me.

Stefano Markovic

For fucks sake why are people so soft nowadays !!! When you started the journey with OP we had different opinions all the time. I was like wtf why do you feel this way. But after a long time i started to understand your thoughts and meanings WHY you see things differently. And I REALIZED it was because i have seen every OP EPISODE until now😂 so rewatching it changes your thoughts about certain episodes and that was the moment i understood all your opinions, like literally everything !! Im here from day one when you started OP. And i knew you had issues with Nami, sanji and so on. But it changed after a time. People should realize that watching something is something from a POINT OF VIEW in this time. Means they still havent seen all like you and maybe You thought bad about some different situations or episodes in op, years ago ... Is it because people pay that they expect to see YOUR same reaction as theirs ? I just dont get it. If i was a reactor i would not give a single fuck about peoples opinions. Take your time and watch it on your own pace ... op is a dragged story with a LOT OF meaning... like you saw on the Fishmen island arc. Thats why i fucking love it and thats why i fucking love your reviews !!

animaechan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 04:26:10 OMG EXACTLYYYY!! I keep using the Nami example and try and explain this to people, but they just don't get it... I'm still not done with the arc so I just want people to give me time and let me feel how I feel and see how those feelings/thoughts develop - it's part of the reaction ^^' I wish I didn't care about people's comments and stuff hahaha and could just ignore it until the end, but being as involved as I am in the community, I just care too much when I see someone completely misinterpret what I said or things like that. Anyway thanks for the support and patience <3
2021-06-22 14:49:57 OMG EXACTLYYYY!! I keep using the Nami example and try and explain this to people, but they just don't get it... I'm still not done with the arc so I just want people to give me time and let me feel how I feel and see how those feelings/thoughts develop - it's part of the reaction ^^' I wish I didn't care about people's comments and stuff hahaha and could just ignore it until the end, but being as involved as I am in the community, I just care too much when I see someone completely misinterpret what I said or things like that. Anyway thanks for the support and patience <3

OMG EXACTLYYYY!! I keep using the Nami example and try and explain this to people, but they just don't get it... I'm still not done with the arc so I just want people to give me time and let me feel how I feel and see how those feelings/thoughts develop - it's part of the reaction ^^' I wish I didn't care about people's comments and stuff hahaha and could just ignore it until the end, but being as involved as I am in the community, I just care too much when I see someone completely misinterpret what I said or things like that. Anyway thanks for the support and patience <3