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Hello! I know this is random XD but I got a big tip on OF and I had some extra time in my schedule, so I told Emerald Star they could request a movie reaction and he chose Star Trek (the 7th movie). His reason to choose it was because it integrates the old and the new and he felt that would be a good introduction for me (plus it's one of his favorites and he wanted to hear my thoughts on it). I sent it to them first, but decided that I might as well share it on here, too :) even if it's not anime related. I'm sure there are more Star Trek fans that would like to watch my reaction/hear my thoughts. 


MEGA https://bit.ly/3bSUqLM

GD https://bit.ly/3wuwqpV

Streamable https://streamable.com/y1j9s3 


MEGA https://bit.ly/2QLDzTE

GD https://bit.ly/3bNsTeI

Streamable https://streamable.com/8uxca8



Oh snap! Star Trek! I'm definitely a big Trekkie. My favorite ST tv series are Next Generation and Deep Space Nine.


Yeah, I think understanding the crew's relationships and their individual character arcs from the TV series is necessary to get the full picture of what happens here. IMO the TV series has better writing, more poignant and topical sci-fi storylines. Generations the film was sort of a "hey, let's get the stars from the old Star Trek show together with the stars of the current Star Trek show and make a movie". These movies are sort of extra long standalone episodes of Star Trek. I remember watching this in theaters as a kid, before I had watched any TNG. I was somewhat familiar with the TNG crew because my cousin would often watch it, but I was very familiar with the1960s original series with Kirk, Bones, Spock, Sulu, etc. at the time because of all the reruns on tv. In college my housemates and I bingewatched The Original Series, The Next Generation, and Deep Space Nine, and I fell in love with this franchise. I think I like it more than Star Wars. Anyway, thanks Emerald Star for choosing some Trek! It was a nice surprise.


For a little bit of context: The Original Series (TOS) started in the 60s and tackled a lot of interesting social issues and new scifi concepts. The series ended and there was a failed attempt for a sequel, but then they started making movies with the Original cast instead. I feel the older ones are a bit more abstract, and some of them reflect the Cold War era they were made in. Then the new TV started, Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG), and lasted 7 seasons, (though there were a couple movies of the original cast made while TNG aired. TNG reflected the 90's more, post Cold War. The new enterprise was more like a science-diplomatic ship instead of a naval ship, as seen by the families, children, and civilians on board. Once the 2nd tv series ended, they made this movie. It was sort of a big conclusion to both TOS and TNG, it was a big shock in theatres to see the Enterprise crash at the end after it was the central element of the show for 7 seasons. Though after this movie they made a few more movies with the TNG cast, but a new ship that didn't have a TV series.