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I think I discussed the fishman island arc quite thoroughly during/after each reaction video, but if anyone has any specific questions for me abt my thoughts/opinions, feel free to ask here! 

Remember that you can connect your Patreon to your Discord and it should (in an hour or so) automatically add you to my server. There is a One Piece anime chat AND a One Piece manga chat for those who'd like to discuss things more in depth with people who are caught up on the show/manga. 

This week I will only be recording this Q&A and my reaction to a OP movie. Next week I'll go back to reactions, posting 5 - 6 videos. 

6 is sometimes a BIT much for me (depending on the content of the episodes) to watch in one go, but at the moment my livestream schedule doesn't allow me to go back to two OP days per week... I'll see if I can sort that out once I see how things go in the next few weeks. 

tbh, I feel like I should just sit down to watch 5 eps each week, and IF I feel like doing an extra one, then I can. idk when scheduling OP became so tedious :( some days it almost doesn't feel fun anymore (not OP itself, just the process of planning to watch it used to get me excited but recently it just feels complicated) 




Oh What do you think about how Luffy (&Zoro) define what makes a hero?


you probably just need some break ><


What are some unpopular opinions that you have about one piece so far ?


One of the reasons people usually tend to score the fishman island lower than the others arcs is because of the villains and their fights and impact in that arc, what's your opinion about that? Do you think they lacked something or are you happy with how it went?


noooo my one piece friday. which op movie are you going to react to?

Mohammad Assaf

What do you think about their new/developed powers and how stronger they get I think you once organized them from strongest to weakest is there any different after the time skip ?


Love you queen. I know how exhausting could be organizing your schedule. Thanks for your hard work. You are the best. I’m excited for the Q&A of Fishman Island!!! 🌸💕🌸💕


1. What are your most and less favorite fishman designs? 2. If Luffy and Jimbey have been fighting for real (during this ark), who would have won in you opinion? 3. Do you have nay theories why there was drugs on the Fishman Island in the first place?


Which mermaid do you find the most beautiful?


R u gonna watch film z? Also what times do u post?


Now that the crew is back together and everyone shares screen time again who do you feel like maybe isn't getting enough focus? And if Jinbe were to join the crew what role do you think he would fill, if any? (like Chopper being the doctor, Sanji being the chef etc. etc.)


Which strawhat’s fighting style do you think has improved stylistically most post-time skip?


Do you think any of the straw hats has any type of haki or could potentially learn it in the future?