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HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! Thank you for choosing to continue to support me in this year :) I am very thankful! I know 2020 was rough, but I have a feeling 2021 is going to be so much better... But regardless of what happens, I'll do my best to continue posting reactions, reviews, playing games with you on Twitch and more!! 

This year, I'd love to post a "QOTW" (question of the week) and hopefully you will respond in the comments or @ me on Discord if you want. This week's question is: Please share anything about 2021 that you'd like to do, be or have by the end of the year

Now, back to business! 

January reactions doc can be found here: https://bit.ly/3hx9WP3 or click here 

You can see my planning to WATCH schedule if you CLICK HERE, but please remember the following:

  • the schedule shows when I am planning to WATCH something, it will be uploaded and the links posted to the doc within 24h. I usually record in the evenings (between 9 and 10 p.m. SAST)
  • if I make changes to the schedule close/on the day I was planning on watching something, I will let everyone know why in the Patron Exclusive Discord in the Full Reactions chat.

You can also get access to the links via Discord :)


How to join (explained in this post):  https://www.patreon.com/posts/have-you-joined-30109916  or click here

PS. Hanco's reactions will be added to the full reactions doc, he is currently only watching Death Note. He'll definitely finish it this month and he says he's sorry he didn't finish it in December, it's just been sooo busy with all our family here and getting ready to host Christmas and NYE get togethers. 

S O C I A L  M E D I A

If you are a Level 2+ patron please comment your social media handle below (Twitter/Instagram), I'd love to follow you! You can DM it too if you prefer. I do not have any more Twitch badges to give at the moment :( I think have reached my limit on those.

All my other social media links can be found on Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Animaechan

I recently made a TikTok so be sure to follow me there if you like :) the reason I decided on making one is because I generally take reacting to/reviewing shows more seriously, especially when it comes to discussing the themes in shows (which can often be quite polarizing)... I thought it would be good for me in 2021 to have a bit more fun! 


I am not taking anime requests at the moment or new sponsors (please take a look at my FAQ docfor more info on that if you're curious). You can also take a look at my Anilist to see what I am planning on watching https://anilist.co/user/animaechan/animelist

New seasonals are starting soon and I'd like to add the following to my schedule (ALL of them if possible): 

  • Dr Stone S2 
  • TPN S2
  • RZ S2 Part 2
  • Slime S2 &
  • Quints S2 (although this I will probably watch in my own time)


Tomorrow: 2 Ansatsu S2 & 2 K-ON! S2 

Sunday: 4 OP

Monday: 4 HXH 

Tuesday: 2 Bleach

Wednesday: 4 Jojo's OVAs (Kishibe Rohan)

Thursday: 2 Naruto (plus RZ S2 might be starting - might only watch it Saturday though, live) 

Friday: 4 OP & 1 Zoku Owari 

If you have any questions, please ask them below and I will get to them ASAP.

Disclaimer: Your main reason for pledging should be to support me. I think it's obvious, but as a disclaimer, you should not pledge to watch anime. Your reason to be here should be for my reactions and reviews - you have to have seen the anime before watching my reactions. Support legal sites like Crunchyroll and Funimation.



Mario Caleb Chaparro Hernández

Happy new Year!!! I have been a patreon for 13 months now and i love it. Cant believe we are going to the new world together, not just in ine piece. This year, i want to publish a book. Its my definitive goal, and i will work really hard to do so




that is an awesome goal!! when you do, please let me know! I would love to read it~!

Mohammad Assaf

Happy new year Kayla I started 2020 as a YouTube subscriber but now 2021 starts and I’m a patreon I wish every year we get closer to each other I love you and I do consider you and everyone in discord as my second family ♥️


love you too!! thank you so much for the kind words and all the support. It means a lot to me! And I hope you will continue to enjoy your time with us this year, I'll do my best to keep the community a fun and engaging place to be uwu


Happy new year to u as well and everyone reading :D i know 2020 was honestly rough on all of us but i got to know u through ur reactions and these days whenever im feeling down i go watch one of ur videos and it honestly makes me feel so much better. One thing i wanna do in 2021 is be more consistent with my workouts and generally eat healthier🥺 its so freaking hard lol but i know i can do itt


you can do it!! Set small weekly goals so you don't feel overwhelmed, or get discouraged if you can't reach big ones! For me doing this works, because it helps me build momentum :) I hope something like that will work for you! I know it's a bit cliche, but I like reading self-help books on the topics I am interested in improving myself in (e.g. a self-help book about health and fitness). Or maybe follow a YT creator that is focus on that - and set a goal for yourself to watch their videos weekly :) that way, you'll learn a lot and (hopefully) feel more excited to set and reach goals <3 thank you so much for sharing! Above all, have FUN with your workouts and enjoy what you eat


Happy new year!!! I pray that this year will be a wonderful year for you (*^-^*) I want to study English more and understand what you are saying. * I can't understand everything now (;>_<;) Your video has helped it and I am very grateful ✨ The period has been reset, but I have been supporting you since last year. I wanted to be Level 2 from this month, but it was sold out ... (´;ω;`) I'm looking forward to your reaction again this year! Please take care of yourself and continue to do your best o(^-^o)(o^-^)o With love from Japan ❤️❤️❤️


Happy New Year! I wish you all the best! :) Love your reactions and thoughts, especially One Piece! Keep it up! In 2021I hope to be able to play football again (soccer as the uncultured people call it ;-) ) It doesn't may sound like much, but after 7 almost 8 years of being almost constantly injured due to issues with my knee and the long recovery time of almost 1 year after I had surgery to fix the problem in late 2019 I can't wait to get back on the field with my friends. And at least I know for sure wheather I can play again or not. Also I want to go on a week long hiking trip with my pals again this summer. We do it every year (except 2020) fo since 2014 and it is like a reset button. No matter what shit your going through or problems you have, the hiking trip clears your head and gives you new energy to deal with it all! Oh yeah... and working out regularly.


Are the HxH reactions for Ep 141 to 144 posted? Cant see them in the new link.


Pls read this post. It says that you have to wait 24h for the links to be posted after it says on the *watch* schedule that I’ve watched them. Uploading and reuploading takes time. It says so in the first bullet point of this post.


I want to be a successful Forex Analyst which i was working on since 2 month ago and having a happy life also to get recovered of all my life and family's crisis in the past 2020 *nb i want to upgrade my tier to the last one could you read the message i've sent to your patreon? Thankyou :)


When i successfully achieve it i will definitely came back to this comment i"ve sent and look how i have become, also just want to add up about some truth that i want you to know of how meaningful are your reactions to me, so the first time i saw you was on the early november, at that time i was on the lowest cycle in my life after everything that were happened in 2020, my fam having a financial issues and the worst thing was i got dump by my lovely GF afterwards on october after everything i've done and spent with her just not long enough for me until i knew that she already with the other... i cant have a good slept for 2 whole month which i spent the time with two things, its either watching bunch of your OP reactions or learning new things especially related to my hobbies to become a Forex Analyst... and Now i feel so much better thanks to you... so now i want to give a full support to you even with my current condition because i know i will be recovered and make a come back, perhaps i could comunicate with you more to lighten me up even more, i cant help to think that everytime i watch your reaction with your BF its kinda broke me but i love how your relationship are going on, such a couple goals and i swear i want to have a sweet, pretty, kind and thoughtful woman like you in the future Thanks for hearing my thought *nb sorry if my grammar isn't the best, i do love listening english but its not the main language here and i dont have people to train myself to speak with


Waiting the day you will make "Liveship's traders" read along (or reaction to audio book)

Enoch Washington

In your final hunter x hunter episode, you made a comment about how sad and weird it is that Gon looks up to such a terrible father and that in real life people are left with life-long trauma due to such bad parents, well you're certainly right. The series does not overtly show this but hints are given that Gon is not right in the head. A youtuber compiled clips from hunter hunter showing how "unhinged" Gon is, it's really interesting to look back at how messed up Gon is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RcGGiuBDwY&ab_channel=X3MA


Interesting! I’ll watch this at some point. Hopefully before my review. Would be an interesting aspect to discuss. There are some other videos too that Assim wanted me to get to so (with regards to hxh) so I hope I can make time for it all. I can definitely already think of one or two moments that might be included in the video you shared

Josh Lomax

Hello again. I'm still binging your reactions to One Piece. In the middle of the Marineford Arc right now. Im noticing a lot of the questions you are asking yourself: why televise the execution? Why didn't they just kill him if they wanted him dead? Why would Whitebeard risk his men just for Ace? and a few others I'm forgetting, have already been answered in the anime, so I'm hoping your mods have filled you in. If not, maybe rewatch the Whiskey Peak arc (why is it televised?), or the first few eps of the Marineford arc to find the answers. Personally, I think this arc is in the Top 5 best Arcs in anime. So well written, many interesting characters were brought into the spotlight and of course it catapulted the characters into the next section of eps beautifully. Watching your reactions, it feels like your experience was ruined because of the spoiler you got. Most of the critical things you say I feel you wouldn't say if you didn't know what was gonna happen, but aw well thats my 2 cents. Keep up the good work!

Josh Lomax

The Whiskey Peak arc is the first time they revealed info about Bounties and executions and such. I believe it was Igaram (as Mr. 8), it was just a small line right when it was revealed that they were Bounty Hunters. Ill post the line below if you want to just read it from mine instead of going back. If you don't want to read the line and my thoughts on it, stop here... Mr. 8 said "capture them alive. The Bounty ty decreases by 30% if we kill them... the Navy prefers to hold public executions"... in other words, the Navy likes to showcase their power to the world by killing notorious Pirates live for the world to see, which is really meant to discourage would-be Pirates, but has of course backfired with Gold Roger and with Whitebeard at the end of this arc. In Gold Roger's case, it wasn't televised but was held in his own hometown where a crowd could gather. In this case, I think they were counting on Whitebeard attacking so they had it at Marineford where they could put up a good defense, and they obviously couldn't invite civilians into the middle of a war, so they televised it but the feed was mysteriously "cut" (intentionally by the Marines), which they blamed on the fighting, so that civilians wouldn't see their shady tactics. In my opinion, Oda is one of the best writers in manga/anime, everything has an intention even if you don't see it and often its up to your own interpretation. I think that this was meant to showcase even further how corrupt the World Government is. There are a few good ones we've seen like Smoker and Garp but overall, just a shitty setup. Sorry for the long windedness but I hope you enjoyed my Ted Talk.

Jack Shadow

Animaechan, where opening reactions on Naruto in watch doc?