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K-ON S2 E5

GD https://bit.ly/39MtLA4

DM https://dai.ly/k1q6v6lSrKrPM2wuXvJ

S2 E6

GD https://bit.ly/2JEgtuG

DM https://dai.ly/k7wMfr4z4aja7awuXDn

I'm sorry I forgot to post these here yesterday! They were just on Discord. I'm also sorry that the last 2 min of E6 got cut off :( 

My program glitched and it had happened once before while streaming. That time, I finished the ep and just pressed the "stop recording" button and it saved fine (even though the program looked messed up). But this time, when I pressed "stop recording" it didn't. The video timer kept going... So I had to restart the program and after I saw that only part of the video was saved. Luckily, it's most of the ep! Sorry about that <3 

Spoiler alert, it had a happy ending and I enjoyed the ep, as always xx 


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