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Hi everyone ❤️ I had to put to sleep my cat today, his name was Tasuki. He was named after a character from Fushi Yuugi. His personality was just as fiery as the character’s. He was about 14 years old and sadly had been deteriorating over the last few months because of feline AIDS. My dad had taken him to the vet a few months ago and tried to give him medicine but I don’t think we caught it early enough on. It was a very hard decision for me but after a couple of days at the vet in Ballito (he was on a drip) they told me it would be better for him to be put to sleep. I did not want him to suffer so I stood by him until the very end. As many of you know, from my OP discussions, I have had little experience with death. It was very hard to see him go, but I believe that he is in a better place and I know our memories and his presence will forever be part of me and my life. I am so grateful for the amazing cat that he was and for each moment we spent together. 

thank you for reading and I would appreciate it if you want, just send a little love to him wherever he is now ❤️

i will not be recording tonight, but I will adjust my schedule soon and will be resuming everything as usual as soon as possible. I’ll post again tomorrow to let you know of the updated schedule. Love you all so much and thank you in advance for understanding 🙏🏼






He’s cute. 😿


Take all the time you need I lost my cat Jerry in March so I understand what it's like to loss such a beloved family member


I send all my love to Tasuki ❤️ And I send a lot love to you and hugs! 💜 Love you


One of the hardest parts about being a pet owner 🥺😔 take your time ❤️


So SAD! Was Hoping he was getting Better. So SORRY for you Kayla! Goodbye Tasuki!! 😿❤️🙏🏾


Sending all the love to Tasuki


That's sad. Life comes and goes. My cat of 20 years just died too last 2 weeks. But I didn't put him down, I watched him become weak and fragile in his final days of his life. Its painful, he was a big part of my childhood being with me for 20 years. I'm thankful and appreciate the years being with him. My heart still hurts thinking of him sometimes, so I do understand where you're coming from. Take days off if you must to rejuvenate


I send all my love to Tasuki and I am sure he will have lots of friends on the Rainbow Bridge including my little ones. Also, my condolences to you and Hanco. I understand how big any animal can be in someone's life and when their life comes to an end it will always surely leave a wound. Over time this wound heals but we will always remember him as he was in our lives the good memories and bad. I want to leave you with this poem I ready whenever I lose my precious fur babies.

Schmul Sjifris

❤❤❤ I hope for the best for him!




There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of all its beautiful colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who were sick, hurt or in pain are made whole again. There is only one thing missing, they are not with their special person who loved them so much on earth. So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes are staring and this one runs from the group! You have been seen and when you and your special friend meet, you take him in your arms and hug him. He licks and kisses your face again and again - and you look once more into the eyes of your best friend and trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together never again to be apart.


I lick, lick, lick my paw I clean every single claw I lick, lick, lick my tummy until its as fluffy as a bunny I lick, lick, lick my tail until i feel like a proud male I lick, lick, lick my butt and then i lick your face. sending all my love to tasuki and you <3 he was a really great cat

Kevin Kovacs

Woah!! I never seen a cat with such BEAUTIFUL eyes!!! I like it more the Gojo now! 😅


All the love to Tasuki and You


I'm sure he had a good life full of happiness with you 💗💗💗 BYE TASUKI YOU WILL BE HAPPY WHEREVER YOU GO 💗💗💗


I am so sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need. We will wait for as long as it takes for you to feel alright again. Sending all my love to Taskui, Hanco and you ❤️

m dunt

sounds like he had a long and loved life, rest in peace :) <3


In the memory of that beautiful cat I will share my favourite cat's mini-summary-story. At the place were I grew up we have 3 houses for us, my grandparents and my Aunt and a huge garden. I have had dozens of cats over the the years there but they rarely stayed close to us unless it was time to feed them. We had one that was always either sitting at the mat outside of our door or inside next to the fireplace sleeping inside most nights. When she wanted to go outside she would just jump on my bed asking me to open the door. When she died she died on that same mat close to us.


I'm sorry to hear that all my condolences I am sure he is now in a better place and was happy till the end with you staying by his side. Rest in paradise kitty cat ❤




Man... life definitely does hit really hard sometimes. But I'm sure he really loved every precious second of being with you guys. R.I.P Tasuki 🙏


Rip little one


He looks so sweet, I'm sure it was a very hard decision for you:( All my love goes out to Tasuki, I believe he will be now at a better place and not suffer anymore. Rest in Peace <3


oh noooooooo.!! tasuki so cute and perfect :(((((


I am so sorry for your loss. A friend of mine just had to put her car down as well. Take all the time you need. Your community is sending you their best wishes.


I know how hard it is to lose a pet, i hope u'll be feelings okay soon enough 💙 and dont worry about the schedule take as much time as u need 💕

Mohammad Assaf

Don't think about what you lost. Think about what you still have and they are us your second family. we all know that everyone will go to the other world and one day we will go to them so don’t be sad Tasuki did go to a better world


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my cat 3 years ago and it broke my heart. Rest in peace Tasuki !!


Your cat lived long and great. :)


May he rest in peace i love cats T.T ♥️