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I have some bad news to share so please read the whole post, it won't take longer than 8 min. 

Level 1+ patrons, here is last night's Gintama links: 


MEGA https://bit.ly/319wrTH

GD https://bit.ly/2YcvWGe

DM https://dai.ly/k7Dhl0bVcYLcsBweVj0


GD https://bit.ly/312ql7g

MEGA https://bit.ly/3kVtJbV

DM https://dai.ly/kUtJdgXDuX8DU3weVBL


MEGA https://bit.ly/3g31Ivv

GD https://bit.ly/2CBtFNj

DM https://dai.ly/k69kzljuk8EOOEweVYF

Level 2+ patrons: 

- SAO Alternative: GGO Episode 5 and 6 links have been added to the full reaction doc (check page 53). 

- BAD NEWS: I just received a load shedding schedule for the next week. It shows that the electricity will be going off from 8 p.m. SAST to 11 p.m. SAST today (right now it's 10 past 7 p.m.) 😭 😭  😭 I usually start recording around 9 p.m. SAST, if I had received the schedule sooner, obviously I would've started recording earlier for tonight. But now there's nothing I can do about it, except to wait for 11 p.m. 

So yeah, the bad news is that OP videos tonight will be late. But I'll still be posting them to Discord as soon as I'm done recording and once the reuploads are done, the links will be added to the full reaction doc. If load shedding is going to come back full swing like this, we might have to invest in a generator, but the ones that can power a whole PC and our wifi etc. will be really expensive and really noisy so I'm not still not sure if it's worth it. 

Anyway, have a good evening fam xx I'm excited to watch OP and 3Gatsu later!! Still busy finishing up dinner, but I'll probably be reading manga on my phone for 3 hours while the elec is off. 




No worries, I'm sure everyone can wait a little longer :)


Is there a reason that you share op videos to discord and not here ? For me in hospital Its the hell with my phone :D


Take your time 😊


Oof this is bad for your sleep schedule 😞


Thank you! ^^ Can't wait to see your next OP reaction, even if it will be late. You said on the last OP Reactions that you will reacting to One Piece Opening 11 on Twitch last Saturday, right? Can i find the Video on your Profile?


Lol its just a delay xD i thought.. I dont know, something different, that isnt really "bad" at all, but maybe thats just my opinion ^^ So dont worry about that :D


Can the govt just shut off your power like that? I know in the U.S. , they do rolling blackouts when there's a natural disaster, and in california they're doing rolling blackouts right now due to the extreme heat waves.


It’s on discord and on the full reactions doc. Yes I’ve explained in a few posts it’s because SMF got copyright takedown notices from Patreon.


Not so bad considering I went to bed yesterday at 7am 🤦‍♀️ But you’ll find out why in the FIT video haha


I need to cut out the reaction and reupload it. I’ll post it with the other videos on the doc/on discord.


I guess for me it’s bad because this will be a regular thing from now on if load shedding is back in full swing... it’s very frustrating. I just hope they stick to the schedule they put out.


Honestly, I don’t even know. We’re used to it at this point. Like, this is just our country’s normal now.


Can someone post the discord link, i use Patreon on the phone and it’s very Hard to find the link here :/


All info has been shared on this post https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2020-very-39967383


Oh, I’m sorry to hear that 💔 I hope this doesn't affect your schedule too much >~< I send you a big hug 🌸 Also, I want to add that I won’t be able to watch / comment on your reactions these days. Last night someone broke into my house and stole some things, including my laptop 💔 But I hope that at the end of this week everything is better. Love ya 🌸


Oh my gosh, that is terrifying 😭😭 I’m glad to know you are safe ❤️ Dm me anytime if you need to talk or vent ❤️


We totally understand...it suck that your countries goes through that on a regular basis

JacksOnion Lee

understandable, have a nice day!

JacksOnion Lee

For onepiece epis 422 , all of the links dont work for me? Where can I find a solution


A new Google Drive link was posted, hopefully you were able to access the reaction!