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Part 1 (58 min) https://dai.ly/k1GLwR26OuhUlJw8I4W 

Part 2 (54 min) https://dai.ly/kdQHxxTCpG9v2Ww8IhY

I rewatched E377 and made notes/shared thoughts in these videos. I split it into two videos so that I could upload it to DM. I'm not sure if GD links are necessary, but if so, I'll reupload them tonight after midnight (still waiting on fiber). 

The first 20 minutes or so of 377.2 A is just an update on how the mods are now editors on my YT channel (not just mods) so on YT videos I'll select "ALL COMMENTS TO BE HELD FOR REVIEW". Each comment will have to be approved by a mod, instead of the mods removing comments already on the video (I show/explain more in the video).

The rest of both videos is me rewatching the episode and doing my notes. I was going to just write my notes for 377 like I do for ToG, but I decided to try this instead bc the episode was just THAT GOOD and I think it deserves this.

Here are the notes (starting on page 28 for this episode): https://bit.ly/2L8AarK

PS. I will post the JULY UPDATE post in the next day or two xoxo have a lovely day!




Yaaaayyy!!! Awesome!!!! 😊


I hope you enjoyed rewatching the episode

Javier Enrique

I'm picturing you telling to the internet guys after they finally set you all up : Internet guy : was everything ok miss ? Kayla : nothing happened !!!!!!🤬


I loved it! It was interesting to hear more about your thoughts on certain scenes or actions of the characters, or the appreciation of animation and ost. It was an EXCELLENT video. Also, I could get excited again with you when you repeated certain scenes ha ha ha. Anyway, I'm glad that you and your mods have been able to find an alternative to solve the situation in the comments section on YouTube 🌸 Have a nice day / afternoon. Hugs ✨


I'm so glad you're doing this and taking other measures because of the spoilers. The next arc is (imo) amazing, no spoilers or hints will ruin your experience this time! <3 Thank you for letting us in in your rewatch-experience :)


I'm glad you really liked this episode even though people kept hinting at the "nothing happened" part. Honestly, for me, the first time I saw this episode, it was the first time that this series made me genuinely think of a possibility that a straw hat might actually die and got really worried. That was the whole vibe that I got and still get from this episode. Only when Zoro spoke those words that I got relieved. xD


God i love your reactions, bc you really analyze almost everything and look for the small things too, you rarely miss anything or never do at all.


On your first thriller bark post I wanted to comment but I didn’t because I didn’t think you’d read or care about one persons view. But I was going to say that starting from now (being thriller bark) is when the story hits a certain stride all the way up to the new episodes currently being released. The story will rely on massive revelations or story altering moments that you absolutely won’t get away from people spoiling or hunting at. I mean seriously it will be tough. So I was going to suggest heavily altering the way you handle comments or just straight up Turing them off. I know this really late and I’m sorry for that. But you are now at the stage where whole arcs could be ruined for you if you are not careful. I know it’s tuff and your main reason for doing this job is to discuss it with fans but I think you should prioritise being able to experience, what in my opinion is the best story ever told, to it’s fullest extent. PS: sorry if this comment is confusing or doesn’t have any actual points being made at some points, I’m really sick right now and it’s hard to think.


Man I would love to see reactions to theory videos... Maybe once you catch up? :D Btw thanks for doing this. This is awesome to watch and totally unexpected!


really really enjoyed this rewatch, im curious about your thoughts on kumas title "the tyrant" considering how u got to know him through the actions in those episodes and his specific calm low voice, besides your categorization as a "lawful neutral" character. i really love his VA i have to say.


I know I've mentioned this in the comments before, but those discordant, dissonant strings in the background music during the damage bubble scene are really good. It reminds me of this really cool instrument called the Apprehension Engine, which creates sounds that you might hear in a scene from a horror film. https://www.thisiscolossal.com/2017/06/the-apprehension-engine/


Kuma still had his gloves off so he could have just deflected what ever came to him in another direction. Seeing as he was able to create the ursus shock in the first place he can compress/deflect large areas imo. So i think he just put his hands up to keep himself safe


I can’t get enough of this episode I watched it so many times but it still gives me goosebumps zoro’s VA did an incredible job the “NOTHING HAPPENED” moment his voice was cracking i just can’t stop loving this episode


This is definitely a silver lining. Thanks for the analysis! ❤


I actually cringed super hard the first time I saw this episode when Sanji showed up. I thought he was going to ruin everything when he tried to take advantage of Kuma's mercy and pushed the bar to replace Luffy even lower. Thankfully Zoro knocked him out before Kuma responded. Now that I know it worked out well, I can appreciate it as a good character moment for Sanji, showing his growth since the Baratie arc.


I feel like the the last scene where “nothing happened” comes up was intended to be “badass” like Zoro’s character usually is, that’s why in my opinion I think music choice was good. But I understand where you are coming from.

m dunt

how about we all shut the fuck up and just enjoy animaechan for the reason we started watching? only talk about what shes seen no hints no fuck all and hopefully she can get people can vet the comments from the idiots that dont understand this. I was disapointed with KT's first reaction to this. And rightly so, we all got the same disapointment she did. lesson learned shut up and enjoy and only talk about what has already happened. I truly think tho you need a comment filter with mods who already saw it. no reason to break all connection with the comments, just see the ones that dont try to ruin it.


I loved that you repeat the "Shishi Sonson" scene several times, I'm sure everyone who watched this scene have done this too, including me


Question to everyone. Do you guys think Zoro would have done the same for Sanji, the easy answer would be yes, but I thought about it and I am not sure. Because Zoro has far more to lose (his ambition) than Sanji. And in my opinion Zoro has not the same connection to Sanji like he has to Luffy. But I am really not sure.


Zoro knocking him out shows that their feelings to each other is mutual.


I guess you are right. My thought process was just that in order to accept their death, they have to accept giving up on their ambition/dream. I think that zoros ambition is more important to him than sanji sneaking into......ehhhh....finding the all blue. So to me it seems like zoro kinda puts luffy over himself AND kuina, right? He does that because he respects luffy and also because of zoros desire to make luffy pirate king. So there has to be a difference between the connection between zoro and luffy and the one zoro shares with all other strawhats.


To me it was just Zoro doing his job of protecting his crewmates. He literally saved Sanji's life there and would've done the same thing if Franky, Nami, Usopp or anyone else tried to offer their life for Luffy instead of him. That scene showed that Zoro is willing to sacrifice his life for anyone on the crew from Luffy (the one he respects the most) to the Sanji (the person he has the worst relationship with).


I mean he basically did do it for sanji. Sure he was gonna do it whether he tried to interfere or not, but he didn't just let Sanji take his place.


i feel like anyone in the crew would have done the same. even usopp


Hello KT, how many badass points for Zoro? 1000? 1000? ^^


i dont think zoro would sacrifice himself solely to save sanji


Are you open to filler requests? There's one coming up that I feel is pretty good. You might like it too, it's on episode 384. If you can't or don't want to, it's cool. I just figured I'd ask now while your OP schedule for July is still in progress. Sorry for the off topic comment.


legit just wanted to say that I resonate SO HARD with your reaction (re-reaction?) to Zoro's 'shishi sonson' scene. I very much physically clutch my heart cuz of the way he says it... extreme fangirling XD


What Kuma shoots from his mouth is... ✨JAPANESE BEAM✨ I'm glad that you decided to rewatch and record it

Andres Guerrero

thanks for making a new experience and another One Piece video for us from a shitty situation it was cool! I hope we got more of this rewatch/notes in the future near the end of some arc or those chapters that you thought were special. also kt, i realize that there is some one piece special hd edition in crunchyroll (for the old chapters) is this new? everyone knew about this but me? xd


I remember that there was a document specifically for One piece links. Or does my memory trick me? Does it still exist/ is up to date? If so, where would I find the link?


I mentioned wanting to watch them but everyone told me the subs aren't as good


hmm no there wasn't. Not that I remember. On the pinned post there is a link to all my full reactions tho and OP is on that doc. There is an index to check which page

Shamim Ahmed

Bleach and Naruto has better OST than one piece. I have to admit it. One piece anime's strength is in its original source material/ manga and amazing cast of voice actors. The VA are so good thats its unreal. One piece animation also do justice most of the time to the amazing turn of events like this episode 377.


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XplAaOX_XanXun4DA4gHItXG6eLmXUANFUXP3IVKBas/edit found the doc I remembered :D So there is no comprehensive list including reviews and notes then ;( Well, have a nice day ^^