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Hi there!! In the next 3 weeks or so, Hanco will start watching 1 - 2 episodes per week and recording his reactions. He just said that he wants to wait to get a second screen like I have. Now that we each have our own studio room, it'll be more easy to get things done at the same time (e.g. before, we couldn't record/stream at the same time, but now that's possible). 

I asked everyone on Discord to give some suggestions for things they think he'd like. He's quite new to anime, he's only seen OPM and Erased (and some of One Piece while editing my videos). I don't want to start him off with AOT (too gruesome and serious, but I do hope he watches it someday) and also not something too ecchi (he didn't like Food Wars episode 1 because of that hahaha but maybe that's just because foodgasms are weird I don't know). 

I will be taking the top 3 anime (with the most votes) and writing down their genres - he will then choose which one he wants to watch  at the end. But top 3 are in your hands. All level 2+ patrons will get access to his reactions from here, so no need to pledge anything extra. 



There's 2 options for Death Note. Just thought I'd point it out. xD

mohammad dk

I like the idea, I assume your schedule won’t be affected? If so then the extra hanco content is a treat?


She said in the post that he already seen OPM


Damn.. all of these are good to for him to react to. I'm fine with w.e wins.


I didn't like the first two episode of Food Wars. In episode 3 and everything else after that is when I realized that the show is really good.


while I would really like to see another reaction to haikyuu I think death note is probably the best choice. It feels like death note was the gate keeping anime for a lot of people and it is definetly something that can suck you into the genre


I feel like MHA is a good start for people who aren’t into anime. That’s an anime I recommended to a friend who doesn’t watch anime and he enjoyed it a lot. People tend to enjoy super heroes stories.


whats his favorite genre? does he prefer comedy? mystery? adventure? action? drama like slice of life? if we can get more of his preference then it could make it more enjoyable for him. also ive never heard of a man who didn't like Food wars? was there a tentacle scene or something? or maybe that one golden shower scene? idk.


Too gruesome ? Lol


Hanco is/was a big Marvel fan so that is why I added MHA even tho no one suggested it on Discord


well it was the episode with the peanut butter squid I think so haha maybe it was a tentacle scene? But foodgasms like that is quite weird I think for someone who isn't used to ecchi


I'm voting for Death Note. As a gateway into anime, there really is nothing else like it. I've seen first-hand other reactors that I watch, whom of which are very Western-shows oriented, react to Death Note as their gateway anime and it became a hit. Granted, this isn't Hanco's first ever experience with anime, but given the drama of the show it won't easily frighten him away either.


High school of the dead ಡˬಡ


I have been waiting for Hanco's reaction for so long, I'm very glad xD Should you wait for your joint reaction in the future? I`m voting for Death Note btw


I love Yu Yu Hakusho. It wasn't the first anime I watched but it's the one that really got me into it. I can't recommend it enough, especially to someone new-ish to the medium. It's a rare anime where the dub is just as respectable as the sub, making it that much more accessible Of the existing list my vote is tri gun


Death Note yeet

Patty Buns

ayy new nakama


fyi i see 2 death note options, 3rd one and 2nd from the bottom


bro, why isn't there THREE death notes options and only 2? disappointed 😔


How did nobody mention FMA Brotherhood? Together with Death Note those two were always gateways into anime. And a personal suggestion for those of you who like anime where you have to think. - > Durarara and its predecessor Baccano.


Death note is barely an anime which is why I voted for it


I accidentally voted while scrolling but I dont mind my vote lol

miles shepard

I read the first bit of your post and rushed over to the poll wondering how I missed YYH; when I was unable to locate it I came back to your post confused, only to read the last line clarifying it in fact was not on the poll. YYH is such a good show. It was the first manga I ever read, and is definitely the series that got me into anime and manga as well.


I hope he chooses Death Note. MHA and KNY which are in 2nd and 3rd by a large margin are too anime like for a relatively new watcher imo. And won't end anytime soon. DN is much closer to a regular tv or streaming strategy,drama,action,thriller show assuming of course he is a fan of those. With less sci-fi elements. Whichever he chooses though(DEATH NOTE just do it 😛) it will be fun to see his perspective and thoughts about it. I also hope he is fine with sub. Cheers!


I never would have guessed hanco was a squeamish delicate flower


what? it's not about that. I just want his first experiences with anime to be something he's more into and that's easier to enjoy. AOT is not so much about entertainment compared to the others imo.


More people need to watch the older anime. They are great classics. Black Lagoon and Gurren Lagann are two of my favorites out of that list. They aren’t even that old actually lol


😳 just noticed trigun, such a classic!


Would actually love to see Hanco try something different like Hajime no Ippo or Beck or the Legend of Black Heaven. But im aware those are probably not entry anime. As an example, I know it took me quite a while to give sports anime a chance. I just didn't see how I could enjoy it, but I do.


and it still won by far haha even tho the votes were split a bit (it was a mistake btw lol it should've been BSD)