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I hope everyone can download the audio.  (summarily) I don’t have Internet yet. I’ll still be recording, more or less according to schedule, but until I have fiber, I can’t stream/upload.

Let’s just hope the fiber company comes tomorrow! ❤️ 😁



Kt starting a podcast 😂


Hanco: And some actual food XD 😂


by that he means bread, cheese and milk (instead of just take away chinese food hahahha). Now we have actual home food uwu



Javier Enrique

Loud and clear jacky kayla 😎 . No worries we'll keep waiting . In the meantime keep feeding hanko he sounds hungry 😆❤


Oh those poor fiber people when they show up. 90lbs of flying dropkick when they get to the door.


I'll be nice when they arrive... otherwise they might just install it poorly! If they ask for sugar in their coffee though, I'll give them just half of what they ask for! MUWAHAHHAHA FEEL MY WRATH

Jev Cor

See ya then! Good luck!!


Hm did they have poor Infrastructure where you live in Regards of Fiber-Glass Internet Cabels?? I Mean, i cant say much, since they only laid down Fiber Glass here..5-6 Years ago and had not the Best Internet in my Village and even now some would laugh on it ( if you pay for it you could get 50.000Mb, but normaly its 15.000-25.000Mb) And since they have Distribution boxes here in Germany where the Main Cabels Connect for Telephon and Internet, its pretty Easy, talk with a Company that Gives you Contracts and an Router that you need at Home and your Done^^ You can even use sockets for the Internet, where you normally plug in a phone ^^


Bro das ist so peinlich mit so wenig Internetleistung was du da schreibst, lösch es einfach. Die Internetgeschwindigkeit ist in Deutschland sowas von lächerlich da brauchst du überhaupt nicht mal anfangen „anzugeben“ denn viele Länder in der Welt haben viel besseres Internet. Eigentlich voll lächerlich das wir uns Industrieland nennen!