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10/10 reactions, your the best x


Thriller bark has definitely grown on me as the years have gone on. On first reading/viewing it was not my favorite, similar to Skypeia. I think a lot of it had to do with when initially reading I really wanted to get to what I viewed as the next stage of the story, fishman island, and this dumb zombie island detour really annoyed me. In hindsight and viewing it as a whole I really enjoy it and especially Brook much more now than I did on initial reading. I think in a way that’s a detriment and testament to oda’s writing, although much more a positive because the story as a whole I find phenomenal


Luffy has been wearing the Orange shirt since the beginning of Thriller Bark


love it


Psshhh I’m like those men that don’t realize when a woman changes her hair color


I really love your reaction because out of all the 20+ reactors that I seen your analytical skill surpass most of them by miles. Most of them dont even remember laboon till they see that flashback and they dont appreciate the story they only watching for the fights specially male reactors.


Classic CC? You’re only on like episode 6 😏


Your reaction to Laboon filled my heart with joy. Thank you


Finally I can say it. Laboon foreshadowing Brook is my favorite use of foreshadowing in one piece. And you know it was planned because of you look back at some early concept art you can see plans for a skeleton in the crew. And actually ifyou go take a look to the comments of your reaction to the episodes we meet laboon you will see a whole ton of skull jokes, and yohohoho comments


" Dying is not an excuse " 🥺❤


This is why you are much better than any other reactor.


Congratulation to find Laboon before it has been revealed ! About your crew, I would Imagine your ship with a really special Liveship figure at the bow on the ship, Like a living statue, because that piece of stone or other thing has eaten the Southbird fruit (so the ship could help for navigation too).


I must say, that im quite impressed, that i sarted a discussion this long....although im not proud on what I and some others said, so im apologizing to u and hope youre not too pissed.....


omg that is such a great idea <3 I already had an idea for a "siren" as a figurehead, as a nod to my OC "havana" who I created to join Luffy's crew (not sure if you remember I mentioned her before Skypiea)


oh don't worry about it! The discussions are interesting and you weren't at all rude. My main issue was with "Foxy" because they replied to every comment mentioning Robin and seemed to want to just break down/belittle her character. I told them ofc it's fine if they don't like Robin (they said "most Vivi fans hate Robin" - which is weird because I love Robin and I'm a Vivi fan), but they started saying some filler things were canon and making a huge argument about Robin being arachnophobic and yeah things went off track XD The discussion itself was fine though, I don't mind you asking "Why do you think Robin is strong?" because we have talked about it before and we will again in the future. It's just HOW that person was arguing was quite... frustrating, to say the least XD

Colum Lennon

That is one of the funniest scenes in my opinion


Stuff like that is what makes One Piece for me the best anime/serie/whatever. You dont have certain characters saying things, that wont count in the future. Everything is planned, foreshadowed and done for a reason. Even though the Story is so big and complex, you dont have any plot holes. You can truly feel by that how much oda cares about his manga. I think you starting understand now what a genius Oda truly is. What makes him different from all the other mangakas/story writers :)




Insane deduction skills! You're the first one that I've seen so far that actually remembers and predicted that it was Laboon. I was almost as excited as you when you found it out :D


Nice reaction and omedeto for figuring out the Laboon reveal early. Since u asked,if the manga ended today the anime would take like a year to catch up. So when it ends anime watchers only should either read the manga or go on their own 202(5,6,7 whenever) lockdown coz there is no way u won't get spoiled about the end for that long.


oof yeah idk hearing that makes me think if I catch up to the anime, I NEED to read the manga further and be caught up you know...


I saw myself reflected in you when you realized about Laboon. Although I didn't realize it that fast, but the emotion expressed was similar. These episodes, along with your reaction, fill my heart with happiness. The thought that Brook and Laboon are going to meet again is like a sigh of hope. I am also glad, if you move, that you have found a suitable place for you and your kittens (michitos in informal Spanish ha ha). And it would be great a transmission where you do yoga ha ha. I do not know what else to say. I really liked your reaction to the Attack on Titan trailer and now. Thank you very much for sharing your reactions and thoughts, it is always nice to hear you.


Best reaction.


I knew you'd figure it out right when you had that 50 years thought lmao. I was like "she just read it a while ago it'll come to her." Sure enough you hit us with the "Broo-bla-la-lab-labooon" loved every second of that reaction🤣🥰


Lol I am sorry for getting in on that comment section even after I swore to myself I wouldn't :,D Keen for these reactions :)


These kind of stories and foreshadows are the reason one piece is one of my favorite shows if not my favorite. Great reaction BTW <3


I´ve bee crying my eyes out for the past 6 episodes and will probably have a mental breakdown by the time the arc is finished. I just love Brook and his story :,(


I was SO hyped when you realized that its Laboon! First I thought "nah, she's never gonna get it" (I didn't when I first watched it) and then BOOM, mic drop. Not bad, KT, haha :D


When the 50 years came up i didnt recognized it first but it is nice to see that you immediately remembered it. I dont know but i have the feeling Oda placed so many funny/humorous scences so that kids can watch the overall spooky theme, but sometimes it is just too much (Thriller Bark Arc)^^


💀Brook and 🐳Laboon!! ❤ Best reaction to one of GOda's best eureka moments no contest. 😂😂😂


I wanted to make a point about Robin last time, but I arrived when things had already escalated so I kind of backpedaled. I'll try to make it quick tho. I think Robin is definitely not the strongest fighter in the crew, but she is arguably the best at one thing involving fighting IMO: ranged crowd control. Imagine having Robin for the ride when they were raiding Enies Lobby, she could've defeated and disabled a lot of those weaker foes without physically going to them or placing herself in danger, which is something that Zoro or Sanji definitely can't do and Luffy/Usopp/Franky/Nami can do but to a lesser extent or with limitations that she doesn't have. Hell, even here I'd argue she has the easiest time disabling and purifying zombies. I know defeating a lot of scrubs doesn't sound exciting and I agree she's can't pull off the 1v1 wins Luffy and Zoro have, but having someone who can deal with that very fast is a time and energy/resources saver, and is definitely fair to think someone like that is strong and honestly hella scary to face because you can't overwhelm her with big numbers alone. She is like one of those musou characters that are great at handling waves of enemies to get an easy max score, but are less proficient at 1v1 combat versus bosses. That said, I want to add that easily dispatching Yama in Skypiea is still quite impressive. Not Zoro impressive, but still she looked badass as hell. AND it's unfair to dismiss her because of those small spiders who managed to sneak on Luffy, Zoro and Sanji like nothing. You know, the holy trinity of fighting in the crew. ...and, so much for "making it quick" lol.


I recently read that part in the manga so I guess it was still fresh in my mind ("50 years") <3


Without wanting to start another discussion about this I'll just throw out my opinion (without considering any future knowledge). To me, I've always thought Robin would be the most realistically "dangerous" character to fight. While many other characters might be able to cause massive destruction with their powers, they can be fought back against by most enemies with even a little bit of power. I think if she wanted to, Robin could just wave her hand and snap the necks of a whole group of enemies from across a room before they even know what's happening. Not going to speculate about the spider thing, maybe it was just a weird moment that had to happen for Brook to save them.

John Kauffman

I love how One Piece takes its time to build the story and connects things together in a rewarding way. It's like constantly adding new places to explore while at the same time filling in more details about places we've already been.

Juan Re

I think Robin is pretty weak because Spandam was able to drag Robin around with ease, however one could argue that Robin was in a mentally low moment so she couldn't fight back. Still even if she had her powers she would become an easy target. For example when Robin was able to fly she couldn't maintain that ability because she was clearly getting exhausted, with this information one could infer that Robin's devil fruit doesn't increase her raw strength regardless of the number of extremities that appear. So, yes. Her Devil Fruit is overpowered but it would require an enormous amount of strength to take fully advantage of it.


have seen thus a few times but only just now am i realizing that when the day Brook and Laboon are reunited they will have Chopper with them to speak for Laboon.

Andres Guerrero

I've been watching the older episodes recently bc i joined in drum island when the crew meet chopper and suddenly i found a Japanese channel in my recommendations that translates your reactions, the thought about it's surreal, you react to a Japanese anime, they translated ur reactions to Japanese... ah.. anime is a wonderful world ;) didn't know you had many fans there yohohoho

Shamim Ahmed

Magical reactions. I am a new patron..and enjoying all one piece reactions very much.