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E35 MEGA https://bit.ly/3aAh5IY

GD https://bit.ly/2Y2a0P5

DM  https://dai.ly/k6D56hfC1J1J8ovZRwn 

E36 MEGA https://bit.ly/2S1XhYA

GD https://bit.ly/3cPJ3SV

DM  https://dai.ly/k2ZGXHKFgx1j38vZRyA 

E37 MEGA https://bit.ly/3bzqamZ

GD https://bit.ly/3at53Bm

DM  https://dai.ly/k20hTcRWzOVkT2vZS40 

E38 MEGA https://bit.ly/2x3ZcVm

GD https://bit.ly/2zrZzdi

DM  https://dai.ly/k6XOxHlqcRWBi3vZSbn 



Javier Enrique

Thank u katty-chan ... ♥️


This is the part of the Chunin exams that I’ve seen most of the clips from. So I think we are gonna get at least a few good fights. I don’t know about all 10 of them, but at least a few. Also the Kabuto thing is one of the things I knew going in to this show. I didn’t realise it was revealed during the Chunin exams though. He’s a pretty good spy, no one would suspect the nice guy giving out all the ninja info cards.


Btw in one of your reviews you talked about the number 108. It was well-know in the east from ancient times, because the diameter of the Sun multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Sun and Earth, and the diameter of the Moon multiplied by 108 equals the distance between Earth and Moon. The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. An interesting fact, but not related to Naruto


Aw man im getting HxH reaction feelings from these Naruto reactions. You sure you like this series?


What kind of feelings are those? It seems pretty clear that she’s enjoying this show a lot.


Can you give examples of when I was sarcastic and about what? And how does that make people think I don’t like a show? 😅


people..she literally just started the series & she hasn't even scratched the surface of whats to come. even if she doesn't "seem" like she's enjoying it as much as others shows, how bout we let her decide that for herself as she continues the journey. Naruto isn't a modern anime with a big budget that gives you pretty animation & hype moments just to go "oooh" "aaaah" ...its a methodical series revolved around characterization & world building & she seems to be enjoying it so far. Matter fact what im looking forward to the most are the things she wont agree with or like about the series(like her opinion of Naruto calling out Sasuke vs Oro). Its just refreshing


Haruka Kanata is such a good opening song, I still listen to it sometimes.


Best part of enjoying an anime is recognizing its flaws and having a laugh about it. I don't care if you walk into work/school every day wearing a Leaf Village headband, a Strawhat, or carry a goddamn Zanpakuto.


This is a good comment. It's an old, long, world-heavy shounen, of which she has already seen her fair share. The best parts come from digesting the story (even when it drags itself). The exciting moments are more exciting in a sense because you get used to the pace of this world.


Idk why some people expect you to be overjoyed about every little thing in Naruto so far. You aren’t even that far yet and have only been through one real arc imo(haku/zabuza). Think your reactions are fine and it doesn’t seem like you aren’t enjoying it anyways.


I want to start this comment by saying I want to see your reactions to hxh and hope you bring them back.I do kind of agree with zerka about hxh. I did also kind of get the vibe that you not necessarily didn't like hxh but just didn't seem to enjoy it much. I don't think you should find it to be the greatest anime ever and all that other stuff you like what you like. Just to me I kind of got the same vibe he did.


I've said 1000 times it's because of the FANS (the majority, but not all) that I sometimes didn't enjoy watching it, which is why I stopped watching, because the FANS are terrible

John Kauffman

The idea that any of these kids are ready to be qualified as a leaders is kinda funny to me. And for all this life and death battle talk they sure go easy on them in leaf village. Always thought they're leaving them all very unprepared for this lol. But I think you'll enjoy what's coming up. I've got plenty of issues with Naruto but Kishi is very good at fight scenes imo.