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E27 MEGA https://bit.ly/39Z43EP

GD https://bit.ly/3b06WGL

DM  https://dai.ly/k6grGZuzyx5jIfvXOER 

E28 MEGA https://bit.ly/2xnpoua

GD https://bit.ly/34p37Ze

DM  https://dai.ly/kXXCU2pBWkwx8AvXOIx 

E29 MEGA https://bit.ly/2Xxtlrb

GD https://bit.ly/3ebZomo

DM  https://dai.ly/kbcSqfDL1zt8f4vXOTV  

E30 MEGA https://bit.ly/2XsLCWq

GD https://bit.ly/39Z3LO7

DM https://dai.ly/k5HjOFK3RIyET4vXOM3  

Important note: I already said this on discord, but I can't give access to anyone for my patreon so I don't have mods on here. I asked Hanco to be my mod (my boyfriend) and help me out at least a little. He has not watched Naruto (or most of the anime I'm watching), so he doesn't REALLY know what is fansplaining, or what is spoilers, but he's going to do his best. I told him the same thing I tell my Twitch mods - better safe than sorry. Please respect this decision, don't argue or complain if YOU think your comment is not spoilery or fansplainy... I'm just trying avoid spoilers etc. so everyone can enjoy my reactions more. I already get complaints that I'm paying too much attention to the live chat, so... I'm trying my best. 

There is a Naruto chat on Discord, so you can always discuss things in depth there. But this is the best I can do with regards to modding on Patreon. Thank you for understanding. 

Update: Going to start recording One  Piece now, which means it will be up in a few hours. After which I will be streaming for a bit xoxo (on Twitch)




The DM link for episode 30 and 29 are swapped.


Can you turn off the chat when you watch an episode because it distracts you from the episode don't kill me it's just a request you can say no:) love your reaction hope it's not get you mad


As in the past, I will close the chat if I feel it's necessary. But I generally enjoy watching it with others - and I'm sure you'd feel the same if you were there.


Ima slide by the stream😗




Sasuke was amazing in that last episode. He just showed us that UCHIHA GREATNESS in that fight with Orochimaru🔥


The snake was real. It was a summoning jutsu, like Kakashi's dogs and Guy's turtle. Also you missed that Anko (the pretty instructor) was Orochimaru's subordinate And just now I realized how visually bad episode 29 was, compared to 30th Great reaction as always❤


hmm I didn't think it wasn't physical/just a projection - I meant like, are they snakes that are really in the forest and was just being controlled by that guy or not :) Like... there were two possibilities at that point - the forest was filled with monsters and those snakes might've been in the forest already and that guy has the power to control snakes, OR he can summon them (like we saw him do in a later episode). Like I always say, there is no need to answer my questions/confirm or deny things, the anime will reveal all in time.


Wait why did my comment get deleted? Did it have a spoiler in it. If so it was unintentional because this is also my first time watching.


hey hey! Please read the edited part of the post, I did try and address this as well as I could and also have mentioned it earlier on Discord


Lmfaoo that buffer when sasuke got punched was perfect😂. Caught me off guard.


Episode 30 has aged so well visually. Thanks for your hard work on watching extra episodes.


omg when it started buffering when Sasuke got punched in the face I nearly choked on my food

John Kauffman

Great reaction and totally agree on the whole scaredy cat thing. I'm no Sasuke fan but he was right in that case and Naruto really doesn't have much reason for his confidence but I guess it could be him being too clueless to know he's in over his head lol.


You get heated up so much cause youre watching the anime with a “realistic mindset” lol I’ve never seen anyone do that before lol cheers to a sasuke fan boy haha


yeah in my eyes, he had just gotten there, he had no idea about the situation, so he had no right to criticize. As far as I understand from what we've learned up to now, a ninja has to be more than strong, they need to be smart to, and prioritise the mission. If you have to avoid a fight to make sure you complete a mission, I think that's the right thing to do. Based on the information Sasuke had, this person could have easily killed them (the exam rules allow that), so I still think Sasuke was in the right

Gerard Lelouch

The moderation here is really weird , I posted a comment with absolutely 0 spoilers (only a comment based my opnion on a subject) of course with no insult and in total respect and it was deleted... If we're not allowed to disagree with the reactor or with other people here and disucss different opinions in respect , why have a comment section in the first place?


She's not moderating the comments, but she's trying to avoid spoilers. She's having Hanco try and moderate, but he's never seen Naruto before so he's trying his best. She mentioned this in the description. It's a shame though, my comment also got deleted. I was also just explaining my interpretation of a scene that already happened. Maybe Hanco thought we were posting spoilers or fansplaining? Edit: Also, I just looked at more comments, and another person also had their comment deleted haha. I think Hanco might be removing all the comments explaining why we think Naruto was right. Maybe he thinks it's a spoiler? lol If KT sees this, I totally get that these things can happen.


I think you're mistaken when you say that this scene of Naruto was inspired from the one from Hunter X Hunter. Even if Hunter x Hunter started being published 1 year before Naruto, tthe author from Hunter x Hunter had many hiatus and his pace was slower. The scene you're speaking about from HxH is after many arcs whereas this one from Naruto is only at the second arc so this scene from Naruto was published in 2000 whereas the one from HxH was published in 2005.


I didn’t say it was :) I was asking if it also was, since people said naruto is inspired by hxh


Finally catching up on these reactions. It is an interesting discussion about their choices when faced with Orochimaru. For me, there's 2 separate parts. Part 1 is Sasuke offering up the scroll with Naruto calling him a coward and punching him. At this point, that's the best move Sasuke could have made. He was painfully aware of how outclassed they were. Sure, maybe some could argue he should have known it wouldn't work on someone who's bloodlust was so strong it brought them to their knees, made Sakura start crying and caused Sasuke to vomit.... but even if he had doubts, offering up the scroll was his best chance to survive, better than running or fighting. I'm on Sasuke's side here but I can give Naruto a bit of a pass since he didn't witness Orochimaru yet and has no clue how outmatched they are. He is also coming off a high of overcoming a near death situation of his own by escaping from that snake. Yes it's not comparable to the level of threat facing Sasuke and Sakura, but he doesn't know that, so I'm not too hard on him for reacting that way, though the punch was a bit much. Part 2 however comes here when Orochimaru admits that he doesn't care about the scroll and will kill them anyway. This is where I leave Sasuke's side. I get it, and don't begrudge him for it, it's a moment of weakness, but he's certainly not in the right anymore. He doesn't run or fight or try to call or signal for help or anything, he just freezes. It's understandable as a natural reaction to such fear and I absolutely sympathize with it, but it's objectively the worst move possible. This is where Sakura joins in now, calling Sasuke a coward too. While harsh, she's seeing her hero and guy she's been crushing on forever just freeze up and do nothing in a life and death situation where she's facing the same thing he is. His will is weaker than hers here and it's crushing her to see that. That's how I took this whole scene anyway, I'm sure there's a million interpretations of it. In the end though, I don't begrudge any of the characters for what they did here, tensions were just really high.