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 ~ I'll be watching the next 2 episodes live on Saturday night! Keep an eye on my schedule http://bit.ly/AnimaeSchedule 

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E8 Google Drive: http://bit.ly/2UhV2lU

MEGA: http://bit.ly/2Uwio7N

Dailymotion: https://dai.ly/k2dB10VSqIrq6avLmIs (will be done in a few min) 




On the subject of rape it may not have been any more common in Viking culture than any other culture of the time period. Viking raids where all about resources and bringing resources/wealth back to their Village so raping may not have happened as much as it's made out to be. When you look at Viking culture itself women where actually treated pretty well for the time period. Women could be warriors as well called shieldmaidens and they had a lot of rights. The punishment for rape in actual Viking communities was death so they didn't tolerate it at home at least. When a woman reached 20 and hadn't married yet then they where entitled to their own property and many other rights that men had and of course could chose to lead the life of a warrior rather than a wife. If parents died and had no male successor then a daughter had full inheritance rights including the right to inherit full titles from her father if her father was a Lord or Jarl for example.


Kenny from Aot and Askeladd from VS are two of my favourite villains of all time and both of them share the same line... genius line


No women go to Valhalla, as I understand it. Only men who've died in battle, sword in hand, are to be chosen. Valhalla is actually a training ground for men who are to fight and die in the coming great battle known as Ragnarok. The god Odin recruits them for this very purpose.


Shieldmaidens go to Valhalla so as long as you die a warriors death I'm pretty gender doesn't matter


Love the little line Askeladd has when he's criticizing the old man that it's not the slave girl's fault that she's useless but his fault for not using her properly. Then saying "You can make use of anyone with the right approach" as it cuts to Thorfinn walking towards the duel. Its a cool little detail that I appreciate. Askeladd has a great deal of control over Thorfinn and the duels are a huge part in how he does it. Extremely ironic since Thorfinn obsesses over the duels and think's they're the key to his salvation meanwhile the very concept of the duels in the first place is what allows Askeladd to keep control over him. (Also the little part of Askeladd seemingly shocked about how much Thorfinn had grown and asking him how old he is now, then talking about how small he used to be back when they first met. It was so much like when you meet an old relative you haven't seen in years who knew you when you were little. It made me laugh first time I watched it and it's even funnier since Thorfinn tries to slice his neck as he's saying it lol) As for Thorfinn and the slave girl I think it's really interesting that Thorfinn sees himself above her even though she from an outsiders perspective sees both of them as being very similar. Thorfinn's blinded by his goal, he's so convinced that his revenge is coming that I'd probably bet he doesn't even realize the fact that YEARS have passed since he first joined Askeladd. He's spent more time with him than he did in Iceland as a whole. Thorfinn's convinced he's got a way out because of his goal compared to the girl who has no clear goal since she doesn't see any future for herself. He boasts about the fact that he's allowed to eat whatever he wants compared to her, it's like he doesn't notice or doesn't want to admit that even with these bits of freedom that he has, he's still under Askeladd's control and he's almost willingly made it that way. It was a short scene but a really interesting dynamic introduced just by comparing Thorfinn to that of an average everyday slave.


I agree with you that the world as a whole has come a long way since the old era of Vikings. That much is rather obvious thank God. It's all about those individuals and groups doing stuff over time that makes changes. Even if they don't see those changes within their own lifetimes, people's actions do cause ripple affects that sometimes don't really pay off until centuries more down the line. As for the rape topic, we're lucky we live in an era where people don't just go around pillaging villages anymore but I do think rape has some almost inevitable tie to war. War is like a cess pool for atrocities to be committed in and when one is committed there's bound to be more. Just in recent history with WW2 and the Vietnam war off the top of my head, there were mass accounts of rape in certain situations committed by everyday people who would then if they survived the war would go back to their families and stuff. These 2 examples included it's horrific to think of the stuff that has happened within the past century. War in general can just bring out the very worst in people.


Finally they showed my favorite character thorkell 😍🤙


i think vikings were more then slave trader or warriors... they were the pepoles of the north... the place europe wasn't hurry to discover cus its cold... after they fighting among themselfs for many years they started to look for new horisons where there anything they can use to feed themselfs and their familes.. (lands, cattle, treasures) and they fight for it pretty primitavly but brutaly first but they learned from the enemy (england at first) tactics and gathered to create army, also choosed the best warrior to be their king to have so they'll have someone who can fight the endland king... although many north "warriors" didn't followed the army and fight for their own good and pocket, later on they became slave trader when they had better terms with england.. or that what i gathered so far... also i think the north who pilliging and raping done that only to england women... which they didn't saw as "human like them" they were kind of respectfull to the women of their own (north women)


Vikings Also allowed women to divoice a man, so thats kinda morden of its time.

Dominic Caciappo

I don't think thors, maybe even jomsvikings did much raping, but that is with 0 research, I am basing my opinion off mostly episode 2-3 where we see Jomsvikings disciplined and looking down at askeladds men, and Floki talking about how bad askeladds men are when they are throwing weapons at the priest.