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E5 MEGA:  https://mega.nz/#!1k92BSiK!vFoY87oapBNjseWw2H7EZQ7MAS_uIgYYp5HwhO5RRJA 

Google Drive:  http://bit.ly/2S2D58v 

Dailymotion:  https://dai.ly/k1Du5apoqIbPYHvIT0y 

E6 MEGA:  https://mega.nz/#!xxslXIRY!o4GKmp8eFmBXnps-ukAr2D7eIeFGOdt25UggG1UlyKg 

Google Drive:  http://bit.ly/30TsuAB 

Dailymotion: https://dai.ly/k6xCj8L0pt8hKHvIT9b

Sorry for the late post xx I should've been more clear that I was planning on streaming these episodes. I'll be doing the same next week. Just keep an eye on my schedule for the time 


I delete the stream afterward, of course. Uploads are only for patrons. Considering the majority of the people in the streams are patrons anyway, I hope y'all are okay with me watching/recording some shows live. 


Will Mills

I had a lot of fun watching during the stream!


I said this in the chat during the stream, but I think you missed it. I think the reason that Thorfinn knows how to say “run” in English is because he hears it so much while they are pillaging English villages. I don’t know if this was confirmed or anything, but I just heard it from a few people, and I think it’s a really cool little detail.


The end of episode 6 was painful. Having our protagonist be heavily involved in the slaughter (and even worse stuff which is hinted in previous episodes) of innocent villagers is tough to watch. The truly fucked up thing is knowing that this is just one instance and throfinn probably does this regularly ( scout a village and signal for the Vikings to attack). Also knowing that he is not forced to do anything, he could leave anytime but chooses to stay to fulfill his goal. I love this episode a lot , it kinda showcases the terror of what it would have been like if you lived this time period.


For some context on the time: 1002 AD is when thorfinn leaves home (6 years old). Episode 6 is in 1008 AD (So thorfinn is either 12 or 13). So essentially he spent more or equal time with askaladd's group than his own family which is sad and fucked up


Thorfinn was 12 in episode 6 and he was 6 when Thors died which means he has now spent as much time with Askeladd as he did with Thors. I think that breath Thorfinn takes at the end of episode 6 to recompose himself kind of signifies his fading memories of his family as he spends more time with Askeladd and his men. His childhood in Iceland probably feels like a distant memory now as he becomes everything his father didn't want him to.


Recently found an interesting comment and I think it might be useful for a better understanding of what vikings really were like: "Every Viking unit did the exact same thing that Askeladd's crew did. That's normal Viking behavior. They killed everyone, plundered villages and took the strongest men and the most beautiful women as slaves back to their hometown. If you've ever wondered why Scandinavian people are so tall and beautiful, well, this is the reason. Vikings only kept those people alive who had some kind of utility" So the rapes were really happening, no doubt about it


Askeladd definitely isn’t a good person but he’s still likeable. Vikings do shitty things including Thors in the past since he was a jomsviking. But that’s just their lifestyle


I was so nervous that twitch chat would give you spoilers since the manga is way ahead of the anime lol, but it looks like they know how to behave XD


Loved hearing all your thoughts on Askeladd and stuff. You're absolutely right in your assessment that you can't really call him a good man but at the same time evil seems like too strong and simple a word to define him. He's a man with his own sense of honor and a unique worldview. He commits acts that can be classified as evil but his reasons, motivations give them much more nuance than that. To say he's a layered character is an understatement. Plus like you said he's a product of his time. His era had very different, beliefs, values and overall sense of morality when it came to certain things. As for the stuff him and his men do. They were torturing a priest in their first appearance by having him tied to a post and throwing knives at him since a lot of them hate christians. Obviously in that case there's nothing to justify it, it's just pure sadistic pleasure. Whether Askeladd is into that isn't clear but at the very least he wasn't joining in with his men when they were doing it. I'm sure he has tortured people though possibly to get information out of people, since it was extremely common back then. Still terrible but at least it'd give it a little bit of meaning, like in Aot when Levi and Hanji tortured Sannes, broke his nose, ripped his nails off, pulled his teeth out, etc. As for rape, it's not in the anime but in the manga there is a scene where Thorfinn walks by some of Askeladd's men raping a woman during one of their pillages. As for whether Askeladd has ever raped a woman is a different story, you could argue either case since there's really no evidence. I'd personally like to believe he hasn't since he doesn't display those sorts of interests/desires like a lot of his men do. But at the same time obviously he is a viking. Him raping a woman is almost expected of someone like him, so who knows really.


Thorfinn and a lot of the characters to be introduced are actual figures from real life history. Askeladd on the other hand is more of an urban legend from folktales. A lot of the content in episode 5 was actually anime original, yet it added even more depth to both Thorfinn and Askeladd and gave a lot more context into how Thorfinn adjusted into his new life as a viking and became apart of Askeladd's crew. Also the little montage in episode 6 showing Thorfinn honing his fighting skills as he grew up. Stuff like this is why I think this adaptation is so amazing, it not only adapts the manga content well but also adds stuff to the story that enhances it. Wit Studio really did this series justice! Really glad to see you enjoying these early episodes because they really are masterful! I can assure you the rest of this season is one hell of a ride. Can't wait for next Saturday!

Joe skywalker

This may be a bit late, but I thought I'd give my two cents in regards to Thorfinn's statue. His statue was used as a gathering site for the alt right (this is not due to Thorfinn's ideals or customs, the alt right simply have a fascination with vikings). In response to this people against the alt right vandalized and toppled the statue of Thorfinn in Philadelphia. I choose to not link any article because it will spoil Thorfinn's last name. Its not a big spoiler really but I understand some people are really anal over these matters. In any case if you're still interested simply google "Thorfinn statue vandalized".