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😍thnx for your hard work i was waiting for gate reactions


thank you rori... the series tried to go dark and you enlightenment the atmospher. i admit i was bored and watched ahead in gate... and it's just made me impatient to see the reaction... time travel is a thing yet?


Yes! I love the gate reaction. I am not sure tough whether Itami is doing the right thing in going along in the elf's delusions. I am onboard with treading carefully around her, but actively encouraging her believe by dressing and acting as her father? Well, on to the dragon hunt now :-)


I wrote down a suggestion concerning your one piece dilemma in the "one piece poll" comments section, tell me what you think, thanks ;-)


yeah although I understand the intention behind it, and can sympathise, I also wonder if that was the best decision... But like you said, on to the dragon hunt!


there's not really a dilemma X3 it's just a poll for people to vote on. I don't really have time to watch 5 or 6 episodes of one show per day, it's already mapped out in my schedule how I'm going to watch them :) but thank you!