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Episode 5: https://bit.ly/31R8YUf (mega) http://bit.ly/2MSy8xs (GD) 

Episode 6: https://bit.ly/32SO4Wa (mega) http://bit.ly/2p8ZLJP

E1 - 4 below if you missed them before xoxo 

Episode 1: https://dai.ly/k53v5KWpBIExdfvaOev (dailym) http://bit.ly/30NGJp2 (GD) 

Episode 2: http://bit.ly/2MaZVc1 (mega)

Episode 3: https://dai.ly/kdOtD5FGPyGFoovdbjW (dailym) 

Episode 4: https://dai.ly/k7fr8vB6nsoIKOvfh2z (dailym) 



I've been waiting for your reaction. happy


Hey Kaytie. I find myself disagreeing with your opinion that the exorcist killing Tora would not be wrong. Way I see things, murder is wrong regardless of the circumstances. Tora is in the wrong for killing innocents, and the exorcist would've been wrong for killing him. Murder is never the 'right' thing to do. That line always needs to be drawn, regardless of the situation. Including self-defense. And vengeance cannot be an excuse for murder. But to clarify, I do understand that there are some situations in which someone is murdered and sympathy can be shown and perhaps even a lesser sentence. Self-Defense and vengeance being among those situations. But that doesn't change the moral nature of the deed. What is wrong, is wrong. If we choose to make exceptions and grey areas for something like murder, then its going to be a very slippery slope, and no good will ever come of it. Murder is always a moral wrong. That is something that has to be black and white. You may not take this seriously, but to better explain why I think that murder should be viewed this way, I would point you to the code of Batman. If you'd like to know more about it, I could link a video that does a better job of clarifying this stance than what I am capable of. Anyway, thank you for the entertaining reactions, as always.


That's the whole morality thing. Murder only happens when one human kills another human. In toras eyes we are nothing more then cattle, if a chicken would see a human as a murderer the human wouldnt care, the human sees the chicken as a lesser being just like Tora. So to apply human terms to a non human doesnt fit.


I don't think that's an accurate way of defining murder. I would define murder as killing either a human, animal, or any other sentient organism with the sole purpose and intent of robbing him/her/it of life. But particularly in this case, I'm not really concerned with Tora dying by the exorcist's hands. Even if the exorcist killed him, I'm not saying I wouldn't understand why he did it, and I may even agree that Tora deserves it. But my argument is solely the moral nature of the deed. The definition of murder should be extended to animals or non-humans as you put it. There are plenty of psychopaths who abuse and harm animals for pleasure. They should be condemned to the same extent that one would be if they were to kill a human.


Really.... so just to be sure you do not agree with human/nonhuman death sentence?