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Episode 15: https://dai.ly/k5vNFw7aH8Hz9tvgdLb (dailymotion) 

Episode 16: https://dai.ly/kZdmyAE8wGTXpivge2z (dailymotion) 

E1 - 14 links are on page 19 of the full reaction doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qdkdaa7IgoQBBey4mPmfXNx5_thOAqzmIh-lvUiO1fc/edit?usp=sharing

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Schmul Sjifris

Don't go hating on Shion :( I really like Shion. Not that I can disagree with that her actions against Satoko were way over the top, but I would say that was her snapping. Not something she would do on a regular basis or anything. Become infatuated and build up ideas and stuff -> Learn that this boy is having a really shitty life because of his home situation and suffering -> Connect it to the little sister thinking this person she really likes is suffering because of this person she doesnt know -> These feelings and thoughts fester and grow -> Seeing more signs of hin having a really hard time -> See said person you think is responsible literally acting like a baby when you think that her needing protection is the cause for everything -> Get pushed over the edge Now I want to think she met Satoshi more than 2 times before this so imagine she really feels for him. But either way its still quite Too soon to have that level of attachment and her actions or her snapping is a bit much if seen from a realistic perspective but yeah this is a certain type of show where I think things are a bit naturally over the top and a lot of things in general let feelings develop by way too little way too quick. If I bend it a bit (maybe more realistic version, if she isnt totally cray cray then the anime version is fine) then imagine its just her crush (ignore time and whatever), she has some ideas that are not entirely correct and fail too see the whole picture because of her natural focus on the part of the equation she herself is familliar with, her fears seem confirmed in an over the top or rather extreme way leading her to snap, push or throw the girl. Maybe kick her and say a bunch of abusive lecturing about what she is doing wrong and how her being like that wrecks everything for the one she really cares for and thinks of. Removing lifting chairs and death threats as well as yelling she should die (to a 10 year old). This version I feel is quite understandable. Seen as exactly what it is, of course, she should have been taken to the police, been shut off from school for a while or expelled and taken to a mental hospital (in modern times. This wouldnt happen in a rural village, the one we've seen, so far back in time I dont think). Yelling at a 10 years old to die after violantly attacking her, lifting a chair to bash her head in or whatever she had in mind and threatening the crack the skull of an even younger girl who gets in the way? Yeah, seen for what it is... Yeah, thats pretty damn f** crazy. But is there anyone in this show who can be seen for what they actually actually do in a realistic sense and not be considered crazy to some degree? Satoko doesnt really deserve that though... She's a child, obviously with trauma and mental problems. Just looking at it from Shions perspective.


its getting realy interesting.. the teaser in the end of episode 15... i didn't even knew he was there and now i'm covered with cold goosbumps... its wierd that i like it? higurashi creepy vibe is realy unique and well done for me.. sure it has flaws but the complex of the plot and yet connecting and unconnecting information.. pretty good. and i enjoyed the reactions <3


I don't really understand your argument? I did say I understand why Shion is the way she is? And I've called pretty much everyone in this series crazy and been suspicious of them at some point?


yes I agree with you wholeheartedly :) thank you for watching with me! <3


AnimalChan I don't like how you call my favorite character cute. She's mine.


Fuck. This show is still so interesting even though I know exactly what happens. I love it when they start world building... qq


I can't believe there were actually people defending shion and blaming satoko... bruh


by the way if you want to actualy SEE Hinamizawa try search "Shirakawa" on google maps.. you can take a tour in higurashi's homeyard without any spoilers (unless google maps enter gifts shops). would be good idea to put higurashi soundtrack in the background


Loved seeing you quickly turn on the inquisitive face as the credits were about to roll for episode 15. You went from anticipating the song to "wait.... let's take another look at these lyrics"