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Episode 23 (mega): https://bit.ly/2lUAL75  

Google Drive:  http://bit.ly/2miUddD 

Openload: https://openload.co/f/debDEl11Ex8/HQ_23.mp4

Episode 24 (mega): https://bit.ly/2kS2B3A 

Google Drive:  http://bit.ly/2koGhhP 

Openload:  https://openload.co/f/ss6jcgYTFTk/HQ_24.mp4 

Episode 25 (mega): https://bit.ly/2m1uJkO 

Google Drive:  http://bit.ly/2krvsvt 

Openload:  https://openload.co/f/rkiS3Wnakww/HQ_25.mp4 

Episode 1 - 22 is on page 14 of the full reactions doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EmZ0OWkA1VLyEMD1cBGEcDcigynNulEi7XvC4wzyt_A/edit?usp=sharing



For me this anime gets better every season. So I’m excited for your reactions to season 2 and 3.


Oikawa will always be a great character in my eyes other than my boy Nishinoya lol he proves that physical abilities are not the end all be all in sports :)


season 2 hype!!! new opening, new characters and the story continuing, im excited for you and myself (even though its my third time rewatching haikyu now xD)


Hay Hay Hay !!! is coming ;P


was expecting 1 episode, so was really suprised when I saw 3, thanks for making my night better KT :)


My Oikawa boy :(


well. something like that. When you like a person, you will always dislike his opponent. ( since both of them are settlers and the only reason oikawa lose is because this is not his story


not really. I like the Nekoma team and I also really like Iwa. Even though they're all their opponents lol


I hope you enjoyed watching with me and that you had a good night overall <3

Thiên Lục

I love that you singed Tell me Why at the beginning thought. I'm not gonna watch Berserk with you because the anime is not at the same lv with the manga but! It an undeniable truth that I love it. I love everything regard with Berserk


"It's okay, it happened to the other guy and he's super good." Advice: Please, do not say that to any guy, ever :D


I'm soo happy to finally be back after a loong time without being able to watch much anime ^^ I think that Oikawa is a pretty loved character so you're probably going to get tones of comments defending him, I hope it's not too annoying for you! I'm sure you're going to love the second season (it's my favorite one !) Haikyuu really is such a "feel-good anime" !


Welcome baaacckkk 💕 yeah i like people telling me who their favorite is and why, but when it comes across like they’re ignoring something i said, i don’t like that. Eg i took a lot of time at the end of the ep to say that I acknowledge he’s a good player and not “a bad guy” - it’s just that I personally don’t enjoy his character (jealous pretty boy)... then u get people defending him saying “you can’t deny his growth as a player blah blah” as if I didn’t acknowledge exactly that 😹😹


Idk if you said something or gave a date to when the next reaction would be up... But its been a little minute lol, sorry if you already said something about this.(nvm i just checked, im leaving this here though as a consequence for not looking before commenting, see you in 2 days!!)


I talked about it in the last video. Plus i have a schedule that you can check that I’ve shared in lots of update posts :)