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Watch with me here: https://bit.ly/2X5Gl84 (mega)

I already watched episode 24 but it will upload while I sleep and I'll post it tomorrow xoxo can't wait to share it! the episode was amazing... but so was this episode. WOW! 

23 and 24 really went well together though, I'm glad I watched them both today. 

PS. the 2giga link for episode 23 will be posted with the episode 24 post tomorrow xoxo 


(No title)


Matthew B

lol it's funny how triggered you get with the whole faux moral dilemma between our guy getting his body and the land suffering for it. That's not an insult, I'm with you 100% I think the whole argument is bullshit. Just saying your reaction to it all is entertaining to watch.


tbh in real life this kind of reaction would not be productive/solve anything at all... it will only push people who agree/disagree more headfast into their own belief (people that agree would fervently agree with me, people that disagree would stick to their guns to in defence...) but i kind of "indulged" in my feelings and sense of justice with this one... bc the anime kind of goes to the extremes to prove its point i think.... but the conclusion was sooo satisfying... <3