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I see that quite a few new Level 2 patrons signed up after I made the One Piece post on my YouTube community tab ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶

Hello hello hello, welcome and thank you so much!! 

Here is a list of all the full reactions I have uploaded thus far (scroll down a bit for One Piece): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i6Yxs3YT_H3AqE3kH6FBHoFgRXKSnjTgGpYCn8Ttdqw/edit?usp=sharing

Make sure you read the top paragraph explaining why I make a new document each month - so that link will only work until the 1st or 2nd of June. 

Here is also a video schedule to give you an idea of when I'm planning to post what: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D9-qT-Dr0gDWDJEPa2z8mbAfppuOENrDmZRnKLGGjOg/edit?usp=sharing

Sometimes I change it a little, especially if my ISP is giving me trouble (⇀‸↼‶)
But mostly I keep to it quite well. 

Once again, thanks everyone for choosing to support me - I hope the rewards are worth it! I'll keep doing my best! 

PS. Don't forget to link your Discord to Patreon if you have it - it will automatically send you an invite and give you the Superotaku role once you join. It's a private patreon chat (easy to talk about episodes/anime I react to exclusively for patrons) + that's where I will also post the video links once I upload - for some people it's easier access than coming onto patreon. 

xxx have a nice day! 



yay I'm happy to hear you feel that! xx


Yep it’s totally worth it.


It also seems like your gaining tons of new subscribers on youtube. Congrats on that as well :)


More people gonna enjoy the ride. This is only the begining😁. Congrats KT.


Hello new patrons just a quick reminder to not spoil anything for KT. Thank you have a good day everyone!


Cobra you missed a spot. (ノ≧ڡ≦)


I cam here to support you and for the fairy tail

animaechan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 04:57:26 thank you so much! I appreciate that <3 Glad to have more Fairy Tail fans on here
2019-05-16 16:16:40 thank you so much! I appreciate that <3 Glad to have more Fairy Tail fans on here

thank you so much! I appreciate that <3 Glad to have more Fairy Tail fans on here


Came here to support you doing One Piece. You are doing a really good job :) I think doing One Piece on patreon is a better move overall, since a lot of people get striked and you also don't have to deal with people randomly coming in and spoiling you about future events. Just my 2 cents!


If they block a video of mine, I'll maybe do patreon only reactions... And the review on YouTube... but for now it's still okay, none of my videos have been blocked... so I can still post reaction highlights to youtube and full reactions on here xoxo but yeah about spoilers only my mods can help me with that... I don't go through the comments as much anymore