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Watch with me here:  https://dai.ly/k31emANJNCxyWVtxkR7 

OMG the twists in this!!! I love it!! Wasn't expecting this at all!


(No title)



I'm enjoying rewatching this anime again with ya.

Anna Kyruin

I really liked that you read through the comments (usually it makes me very anxious about spoilers) but this time someone had posted the contents of the letter that "Ange" gave "Princess" and there was a lot of context in there. Definitely enjoying watching this again so far :) Catching things I missed or forgot on the second viewing.


oh don't worry! I've never been spoiled in comments of older anime bc the comment section does get like... uhhh watched? so spoiler comments get deleted. I've only been spoiled on a Fairy Tail episode once a long time ago. So yeah the comment section is safe <3 there are also "spoiler tags" so if someone doesn't want their comment deleted they can use that. Newer anime, like after the episode just comes out, I don't read the comments bc people comment too fast and then obv there isn't always time for the mods to delete spoilers xoxo anyhoo, with the letter, did you mean it gives good context or was it something i was supposed to find out later?


Yes, I did finish it; but I didn't watch it all at once since I saw it back when it was just airing weekly. So I had to wait each week for a new episode.


Same here I didn't catch the message on the letter at first either.