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Hello hello hello to all my level 2+ patrons! I just made a new GoogleDocument where I will be posting all the new full reactions I upload this month (and you can find previous ones on there as well): 


The reason I make a new one at the start of every month is because sometimes people un-pledge once they have the link... and that's not fair to the people that remain patrons. Anyhoo, so this is the current document that will be updated, the old link will not be updated anymore. 

Also, hold on to your hats fam!! I've already started a couple of new anime in the last 2 weeks, but I will also be starting Princess Principal and Tokyo Ghoul soon. If you want to check out my schedule to give you an idea of when I'll be posting what, here is a link to that: 


I know it seems like I'm taking on a lot at once, but if I feel like I'm not giving something the amount of attention it deserves, trust me, I will take a break when and where needed. I absolutely love what I do though, and even in my free time I watch Bleach an Pokemon. So it's not that I'm doing all of this to please anyone, it really, really makes me happy! I know all of you don't watch everything that I watch... But I hope there is at least two or three that you can watch with me <3  



plus I'm also reading a few pages of manga every day or two in between edits or just before going to sleep :P am I a little crazy? maybe. am I very happy? DEFINITELY! Thank you all for supporting what I do and I hope that watching anime with me or listening to my honest thoughts brings you a little happiness each day (or week) &lt;3


Wooo this File is awesome :P


yaayyy and it's just going to keep getting better :P I feel like it's Pokemon that I'm collecting buawahahaha


It makes me happy! Thank you!


You are by far the most organized creator I have ever seen. You were not kidding when you said you liked having a schedule! I was wondering why there was no One Piece on Wednesday, cuz it's on Friday now! Awesome!! Good luck with all the others, that's certainly a lot of anime but with this kind of organization, you can do it!!


Wow, you're amazing! It always irritates me, that it's hard to find older reactions on patreon, because of lack of search feature. Do i understand correctly that every new document will have old reactions links?


sorry for the late reply! Yes this includes all the full reactions I have done thus far (my channel is still fairly new - almost a year - and I only started doing this a couple of months ago. New videos will be posted to patreon + the link added to this folder! At the beginning of next month, I'll make a new document, copy everything over and update only the new document :)


I did One Piece early (Sunday) when my 10h stream didn't work out :P so yeah the schedule isn't set in stone but for the most part I keep to it pretty well as it helps me to get more done at the end of each day when I'm organised :3


I found an error in document. There is wrong link to the episode 10 of The Promised Nederland ( 9 repeated in stand of 10 )