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WOW! The anime was already a 9 but after this episode it's officially a 9.8 (for me obviously, idk how y'all felt about it). 

Watch with me here:  https://dai.ly/k7IayQzG2XnLp5teQTM 

I forgot the sound again (sorry but the OP was so amazing and distracted me!) but it comes back on at 6 minutes and 2 seconds. 

I tweeted that I wasn't going to record a video today, but I did and here it is. I'll see if I can edit and upload the review part for YouTube in time. If you don't want to hear about why I wasn't feeling good just click out after I finish the episode (not everyone wants to sit and listen to my personal stuff owo). 

Anyhoo hope everyone is having a nice week <3 My next video will be One Piece (2 episodes). And if all goes well I'll end the week with Attack on Titan and Fairy Tail (I'm reading the FT manga starting from the beginning and it's made me so nostalgic about it!). 

Bye Animaefam <3 


(No title)



very good episode :) !!!


A good episode. The woman with the gray hair in the opening you ask for, seems to be a Filolial-queen like Filo. The stupidity of the other heroes is insane. If the Shild had the ability to brainwash anyone, Naufumi woulden´t have any problems and they would be under his spell from the beginning of the conversation. Ridiculous! The Intro and Outro Are nice The Music is okey but not as good as the first maybe I have to hear it more often to change my mind.


hey you &lt;3 thank you so much! I don't mind if you comment here or on YouTube. I like both! you can even copy and paste the comment. But if you post here I will always see it. Sometimes on YT there is too many comments to go through


ohh you're right, she does kind of look filolial-y with those 3 strands of hair on top of her hair... can't wait to meet her!!


Thats a beautiful picture for this post btw, nice find :)


dO yOu HaVe AiDs?!?! I lol’ed so hard haha but yeah some people are dumb. Nice review/réaction btw


I'm sorry hahhahha it's actually a question I've gotten myself too since I live in South Africa and it used to be known as like an epidemic here.... but thanks for watching &lt;3 !! :)