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Ok hi... Here this one is... Honestly one of the craziest things I've made. Might need to edit a little more though? We'll see

I've been plotting this storyline for Roy since the first season so it's been like 3 years of thinking about this one?? Hahahaha

Thanks to Parker Davis for voicing Roy Icebreaker

Awesome Cone Layer centric news coming soon?

See you soon...


SALIATOS season 2 episode 5 (mostly final)


Lily Alexandre

Omg so it's really just cults all the way down


just want to say how much this series means to me. i didn't think it could get better than SALIATOS s1, and then barber westchester came out and it became my favorite movie (still is!). i always loved the subtle hints at something larger going on pertaining to the universe they live in, but opting to keep that in the background while you actually fill in the micro details of the world first- all the wonderful stories of the people who live in these different towns. i honestly thought the stuff going on with the different layers that was hinted at in barber was gonna be left subtle and open ended, but now that that's turning out to be the whole concept of the series i'm beyond excited. the concept of a universe with different 'layers' stretching seemingly infinitely above and below is a concept i've actually independently become sort of obsessed with myself, and for years i've been dreaming of either being able to tell a story with that concept or see one pop up that aligned with my desires, and WOW it turns out you've been making one for 5 years!!! seeing a story like this being made fills me with unimaginable joy and excitement and the fact that it's coming out of a series that i already loved is a double whammy!! PLUS the fact that the saliatos stuff is connected to the wasteland stuff, which i didn't realize before now, is so exciting, because wasteland is also such an incredible series. the fact that this interconnected body of work contains saliatos, barber, and ascensia, is insane, cause those are all some of my favorite animated works i've seen. consider me extremely passionate & invested in this, and thank you so much for making it :) sort of unrelatedly i recently discovered your edit of all of the saliatos s1 eps put together, and wow thanks so much for making that! it's so satisfying being able to watch it all seamlessly like a movie and it works so well, the pacing and transitions and everything are on point. would be awesome to get an edit like that for season 2.