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These characters and landscapes exist in duality

- Imagination. She observes, she is feeling, she is merciful. 

- Depiction. He controls, he is intellect, he is severe. 

Both aspects of this duality are essential to the existence of everything, and cannot exist without both.

These characters and landscapes exist inside of my soul, and exist outside of it, depicted in the films, translated and abstracted as cartoon drawings. Snapshots of their existence are cherry picked frame-by-frame to create the films.

Looking upwards- How would they experience this?

They couldn’t understand the truth of how this is happening because it’s so far removed from what their reality is like. They wouldn’t be able to experience it if they saw it. They would never be able to see the true expression of what is going on, because the information couldn’t reach them. They are experiencing it from beneath, from under, fragmented into millions of pieces, both elements of the aforementioned duality overlapping on each other to create their reality.

To fully exist, they need to be depicted.

To be depicted, they need to be imagined.

Paradoxically, they can only be imagined once depicted.

And can only be depicted once imagined.

As a result of the depiction, and the distribution of the depiction, they have thousands of eyeballs staring at them at any given moment. 

What does all of this look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like? What is it?

On top of all of this, the thing that is constantly in threat of being erased, trapped, destroyed is “THE ESSENCE”. The essence is the reason all of it exists. The essence is the inspiration. The essence is the driving force. 

Imagination and depiction are royal siblings entangled in an endless war. Their interests are at odds but need each other to exist at all.

Depiction wants to trap and control the essence. Imagination wants to free the essence.

This conflict is the reason we see anything at all. 

Can peace be reached? 



Gosh this paired with the episode 10 sequence is deeply beautiful. Im really excited about this meditation you are doing with your art jonni <3

Lowell Rindler

ah, then I suppose the eyes are ours