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Hi! I just got accepted into SAIC for grad school. I'm pretty excited. Right now I'm mainly trying to figure out financial aid stuff but I think I have a good shot at getting a good package. 

The goal with going to grad school would be to use the resources to make a bunch of live action work + finish The Cone Layer by the end of the 2 years. 

Also, here's a WIP cut of the first scene from the live action movie I'm making with Harrison and Parker (sound is messy and music is temp): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnrKl6xR4Pc

Yayyay yahoo



interested to see your stuff as you spread into live action. especially excited to see what you make with Harrison and Parker. random question: any plans to make any brickfilms soon? You mentioned having an idea for something kinda artsy with the genre a while back