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Hello sweet Large Babies-

Lots going on as usual. I am doing well, a bit overwhelmed but I am trudging along.

Re-releasing Barber Westchester on YouTube on December 18. It would mean a lot if you could all share it online and to your friends and stuff, since it's starting from scratch view-count wise. As u can imagine my stuff isn't the most algorithm friendly... LOL 

Still working on episode 3 of SALIATOS season 2. I'm really feeling it so far, sorry for the wait as usual. These are much more hefty production wise than season 1 was, but I think it will all be worth it once they're all finished. This one is about 7 or 8 minutes at this point, and it's mainly about Barber willingly going back into their eyeball and starting to find some interesting stuff... After that is episode four, which is about Margaret traveling through all the bottom layers of the weird layer universe I've been hinting at... (Thats right.. We are almost to layer stuff..)

More to come, will update as I go along. Excited to get the episode to you guys soon. In the meantime, hope you are all doing well, and happy upcoming holidays to you all... 




Saliatos season 2 is so good so far, and the new episodes sound fantastic. Take the time you need on production!