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Lots of stuff going on

We're finishing the new edit of Barber this month- Talking to my sound mixer tomorrow about everything. We should be done with it by the end of the month, and I'll put that edit up on here when it's finished. It's not going to be all that different, except it'll have better sound mixing / more sound design / fixed some editing in some places / synced up audio better / etc.. Gonna export it at a higher quality too. 

Still chugging along on SALIATOS season 2. I'm seriously proud of it. Got a lot of pieces in motion. My goal is to be finished with it by the end of the year. It's been a much bigger challenge than season 1, because the animation quality is higher / the episodes are longer and more narratively complex / have to balance with a bunch of other stuff. But I'm excited to show you all

Peninsula Siblings and Birdadelphia are both going well, just chugging along on those.

Still making Tiktoks for A Studio Digital - tiktok.com/@astudiodigital

Have a lot of little pieces in motion..

Barber Westchester is going to be playing at Animation Block Party in August, and Ottawa International Animation Festival in September (where they're also doing a retrospective of my work) They'll be showing this new edit I was talking about earlier. If you can come to either you should. I'll be at both festivals!

Screaming all day long



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