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Hi again all my large babies.

Thanks again for your patience as I chug away on all my various things.

Saliatos2 status:

Episode 1 - Animation finished, needs voices + music (will happen in August)

Episode 2 - Animation halfway finished, this one is very "raw" for me so it's been hard to work on, but the animatic is finished and I am doing chunks at a time

Episode 3 - Animation halfway finished

Episode 4 - Finishing the script this week and animating majority next week

Episodes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are all at various stages of writing and animation.

My hope is to be close to finished by August 5, and then complete each one as Dylan is doing music 

I'm working on another new film called "Talent Show" which is the most directly autobiographical thing I've ever written- Will be majority cartoon with myself depicted as a stop motion lego guy greenscreened in lol

Have a bunch of other secret stuff happening right now that is stretching me very thin- But I'm surviving! My career is generally looking very bright from my vantage point right now, we'll see what happens 

Still doing tiktoks for A Studio Digital/Bento Box. I have a directory of all the stuff I've made for them on my website 

The new ones I have coming are getting increasingly cool in my opinion. Have one that just got finished about the mandala effect, another one that's very dream-stream of consciousness, and another one about a brony with a fluttershy tulpa. lol

Sorry for the continued delay on rewards- There's a lot to get through and I already have a lot on my plate, but I'm getting there and I promise I'll get to them asap. Thanks for your patience 

Thanks again everybody



Nora Mitty

Hoorayyy Jonni! Really excited for all of it!! Sorry that you’re working so hard. It’s amazing what you have and are accomplishing and how quickly and how much at once. Like, to take on even ONE of those projects would be a full time job in itself and take so much energy o_o at least we can cheer from the sidelines, so, GO JONNI GOOOO!!! 🙌🎉


you're wonderful, keep breathing and when the next things happen, i'm excited to see what you share with us. Take care!