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Hi large babies,

Want to detail my game plan here and talk about what I’m going to try and be doing this year.

Right now a lot of things are up in the air for me, and I’m slowly figuring out my little career and what my possibilities are. Things seem generally good though and I’m optimistic that I’m going to be in a good situation at some point.

However I still cannot get this “filmmaking bug” out from under my skin, but I don’t necessarily think the animation industry is the right place for my more serious personal work. And so I have decided to, at least for this next year, bite the bullet and keep making my serious independent work on the side, and keep funding it via Patreon. We’ll see how it goes, but my plan right now is that I would like to spend the next year finishing “Secrets and Lies in a Town of Sinners season 2”. I have been writing it and I’m pretty excited about it. My hope is to begin animation production in April, and hopefully finish the season around October. My thought is perhaps I can do 2 episodes a month, and the season is going to be 12 episodes. I still need to organize and solidify my schedule, but this is the idea as of now.

So if you’ll stick with me, I will keep making my weird little things that hopefully you enjoy. Huzzah

I’m going to get all of the backlogged Patreon rewards settled before I begin doing anything seriously, so my goal is to have anythig from the past 2 years all done by March. Sorry it’s taking me so long, it’s a bit hard since these things have to do with my energy levels, and as we all know, life is a little crazy. Thank you for your patience

Peace + love



Nora Mitty

Omgggg that’s really great. Thanks for sharing Jonni! I am really excited and thrilled to have more SALIATOS on the horizon. That is so rad. Sounds like another busy year tho! Make sure to take time for you!! Gonna add some $$ to help support! Who’s with me??


Neat! Have fun exploring independent art!