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Hi everyone :)

It's so crazy to be done with the movie. I don't really have words for it. I want to thank you all again for your continued support. It was a really risky thing to try and make the film, but I'm very lucky to have so many supporters that allowed me to be able to do it. It really is amazing to be at the end, and I hope you all liked what I and my friends made. 

I'm still going to be continuing to make projects funded here, for as long as I feasibly can. It's really a special thing to be able to make stuff exactly how I want to. The future for my career does actually look bright, from my current vantage point, so I'm not sure how long exactly I'll keep doing this, but if you want to stick around it means a lot to me. Thanks again. 

This month is going to be slower since I need some downtime after finishing the movie, (coming out publicly January 22 at 2pm, tell ur friends!) and I have another job, but I want to start taking care of the patron rewards asap. In February I want to start making some standalone shorts. I'll throw out more info when I know. But I have some stuff planned that I hope you all are excited for. 

Thank you all once again. I hope you're all doing well




My milk expires when barber comes out publicly


enjoy your rest time!